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Last cruise ships before winter

The skipper of a visiting yacht may have saved one local boat owner untold heartache this week.Just before 1 a.m. Tuesday morning the skipper of visiting Frerickstad contacted Harbour Radio to alert them that the 33-foot pleasure craft Crocodile was sinking.

The skipper of a visiting yacht may have saved one local boat owner untold heartache this week.

Just before 1 a.m. Tuesday morning the skipper of visiting Frerickstad contacted Harbour Radio to alert them that the 33-foot pleasure craft Crocodile was sinking.

Harbour Radio contacted the boat's owner who was able to deal with the situation using onboard pumping equipment.

Less fortunate, however, was the Blackjack which went up in flames at midday on Monday. The fire knocked the boat - used to shuttle passengers between Waterlot Inn and Dockyard - out of commission.

Marine Police and Bermuda Fire Service responded to the Blackjack fire and had the blaze under control by late Monday afternoon.

An investigation into the fire is underway and Blackjack is now semi-submerged at Sallyport dump in Dockyard.

The cruise ship Seven Seas Navigator made a brief stop in Bermuda Tuesday.

Carrying 303 passengers and 300 crew, the ship arrived in Hamilton at 8 a.m. after sailing from Las Palmas.

The 29,000-tonne ship sailed on to Fort Lauderdale at 4 p.m. yesterday.

A Maltese-registered tanker, the Seamercury, diverted to Bermuda on Monday in order to undertake turbocharger repairs.

The repairs, expected to take three days, are currently underway at Five Fathom Hole off St. David's.

The cruise ship Norway is scheduled to stop off shore Friday in order to pick up two technicians.

Starfish, a cement ship, is expected to arrive at Dockyard on Thursday and depart on the weekend.

And on the regular shipping routes, Oleander sailed for New Jersey yesterday afternoon after dropping off Christmas trees for the Island.

In addition to the trees, Oleander left brought in 171 dry containers, 40 refrigerated containers, one Mafa, 14 cars, a truck and a boat.

The Bermuda Islander is expected to arrive tomorrow with 143 containers on board including a 45-foot trailer and 20 refrigerated containers.