Letters to the Editor
July 22, 2005
Uncommon sense
July 24, 2005
Dear Sir,
I came to Bermuda 50 years ago, married, had two children and made Bermuda my home.
However over the past few years it seems to me that common sense is sadly lacking in some of our Government Ministers for the following reasons:
1. Where was the common sense when building the new Berkeley school by not using a tried and proven contractor?
2.When it is known we sometimes have a water shortage in summer that the water catchments are allowed to fall into disrepair?
3.To allow all the oversized vehicles on the road without proper control?
4.To allow the building trade to overheat?
5. Where was the common sense when the UBP offered a ready-made plan for affordable housing to our present Government and only received sarcastic remarks in return?
6.Where is the common sense not to have a redundancy plan for our only Electric Light Company?
7. Where was the common sense during the blackout that those Government Departments not electronically controlled and those workers could have carried on?
8. Where is the common sense in not having an alternative route to the one and only Airport?
And the list goes on. Maybe we need more female politicians as many woman have more common sense in their little finger than some of our male politicians in Government.