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Letters to the Editor

I wasn't shocked, just saddened by the snivelling defence of Government's failure to observe the Queen's Golden Jubilee offered on TV by Minister (Randolph)Horton last week.He mentioned as part of the celebration the Jubilee evening reception at Government House.What he did not mention was that only a single Member of Cabinet bothered to show up there.

Just plain rude

June 17, 2002

Dear Sir,

I wasn't shocked, just saddened by the snivelling defence of Government's failure to observe the Queen's Golden Jubilee offered on TV by Minister (Randolph)Horton last week.

He mentioned as part of the celebration the Jubilee evening reception at Government House.

What he did not mention was that only a single Member of Cabinet bothered to show up there.

The Premier was notable by her absence (no fancy hat was to be seen anywhere) and all the rest of her Cabinet but one lone Minister were also distinguished by their absence - including Horton himself.

What Queen Jennifer had done, apparently, was to organise her own Jubilee in St. George's.

Albeit Queen Jennifer is not yet our head of State, her private Jubilee celebrated a mere thirty years in politics.

It could have been arranged for the Friday, Sunday or Monday of the same weekend.

That it was not can only be interpreted as a piece of arrogant, in-your-face, calculated rudeness of the most offensive kind.

Whatever else anyone may think about the present Government, its manners leave a great deal to be desired.

Bermudians have long had the reputation of being a polite, civil people.

In that respect we are by no means well represented by the vulgar rudeness of Premier Smith and her colleagues.

Minister Horton can only be thought of as an ass for attempting to defend a series of calculated rudeness so deceitfully.

Our Premier and her Cabinet have disgraced Bermuda with their offensive behaviour.

Her Majesty the Queen and all Bermudians are owed an apology from Premier Smith and her Cabinet for their appalling rudeness.


City of Hamilton