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Two cheers for Freisenbruch-Meyer! Finally, their 2004 hurricane chart puts Bermuda back where it belongs.Why only two cheers, you may ask? Well I am saving the third for next year when, hopefully, Miami is restored to its correct location.I am aware that I have written a number of letters recently. Nevertheless I hope that you will print them.

Blown off course?

June 7, 2004

Dear Sir,

Two cheers for Freisenbruch-Meyer! Finally, their 2004 hurricane chart puts Bermuda back where it belongs.

Why only two cheers, you may ask? Well I am saving the third for next year when, hopefully, Miami is restored to its correct location.

The Cuba debate

June 7, 2004

Dear Sir,

I am aware that I have written a number of letters recently. Nevertheless I hope that you will print them.

On this occasion I want to express the relief I felt when I finally heard the PLP put the Cuba issue in its proper context ? not that I personally care about Cuba one way or the other. Although having been to Cuba I realise that it is going to give Bermuda real competition for American tourists. When all Americans can go there freely ? even though many go even now.

Bermuda is still a British colony and Britain has a variety of relationships with Cuba and had no problem with Bermuda?s initiative and members of the UBP, particularly those that do not want Independence, should remember that we are frequently reminded of our cultural mix as if it were a positive factor. It may be, but it becomes a problem when individuals try to impose their nation?s policies and attitudes on Bermuda and Bermudians!

I realise that Mrs. Louise Jackson is the Shadow Minister for the UBP, but she is also an American and America has a strong but inconsistent attitude/policy towards communist countries. Communist Cuba is seen as evil, while Communist China has favoured nation status. I believe that is the reason for the strength and inconsistency of Mrs. Jackson?s attitude and comments.

The real irony is that the emotional outpouring against Cuba has nothing to do with morality but is nothing more than Republican concessions being made to the Cuban exiles in Florida in order to ensure their vote. It is absurd that Bermudians have to be repeatedly subjected to a tirade against Cuba because some American politician in the US wants the votes of Cuban exiles in a single American state, Florida.