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Can you, or anyone, explain to me why the Premier and the PLP are so scared on having a referendum on Independence.If he/they truly believe it is the will of the people, a referendum would confirm that.If they want to use the election process to answer such questions, call another election and have Independence as their number one platform issue.

Why are they scared?

March 4, 2004

Dear Sir,

Can you, or anyone, explain to me why the Premier and the PLP are so scared on having a referendum on Independence.

If he/they truly believe it is the will of the people, a referendum would confirm that.

If they want to use the election process to answer such questions, call another election and have Independence as their number one platform issue.



Let the people decide

March 4, 2004

Dear Sir,

It is obviously the intention of the PLP to try to squeeze through Independence without a referendum and why? Because they are afraid that a referendum would work against their wishes. Although they say they have been democratically elected and have received “a mandate from the people” they must remember that only 52 percent of the electorate voted them into power in the most recent election! So, it looks like they are now trying now to erode the democratic process by trying not to allow a referendum “as a means of determining the will of the people”. They want us to discuss it openly but don't want our referendum vote. This is not good news.

Let the people decide.



If it ain't broke...

March 5, 2004

Dear Sir,

Independence? Independence from what? What could Bermuda do as an independent country that she can't do already?

I think we've got the best of both worlds as we are just now. Let's face it: we are independent in everything but name and, just because Alex Scott's nominee for Chief Justice was turned down, that shouldn't be any reason for him to throw a tantrum and risk Bermuda's entire future as a result.


St. George's