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Letters to the Editor

I rarely write to your newspaper on complaints from the general public because doing so seems to open up Pandora's Box; however, one of your correspondents signing himself as "Survivor" has afforded me a wonderful opportunity to teach the public as well as to dispel some misunderstandings which have 'amazed' him.

The last post

September 16, 2002

Dear Sir,

I rarely write to your newspaper on complaints from the general public because doing so seems to open up Pandora's Box; however, one of your correspondents signing himself as "Survivor" has afforded me a wonderful opportunity to teach the public as well as to dispel some misunderstandings which have 'amazed' him.

Some years ago, I became incensed at what I believed were unnecessary delays of 'my mail' coming from the United States. I, with an inflated idea of my self-importance (a condition wich seems to be epidemic in Bermuda) called and arranged to meet the US Postal officials in New York.

After seeing the problems which the US was having with mail at JFK I attempted to offer my solution. Well, the US official kindly put me in my place by pointing out that I had no authority over the mail in New York and that Bermuda mail was not my mail but US mail destined for Bermuda.

I returned to Bermuda a wiser Postmaster General as the US officials were indeed correct. The process for international mails works like this:

All mail from the US destined for Bermuda is US mail and only becomes Bermuda mail when it is handed over to the postal officials at the airport mail facility in Bermuda. Likewise, Bermuda mail for the US becomes US mail when it handed over to the US Postal officials at JFK.

It should be noted further, that the US Post Office pays the airlines to deliver its mail to Bermuda and the Bermuda Post Office pays the airlines to carry Bermuda mail to the international destinations. Also 'Survivor' and others should be aware that courier firms also lose parcels.

Here endeth the lesson but as a former teacher, I must give a test. Anyone with a mark of over 80 percent will get a free tour of the Post Office.

1. When does mail destined for Bermuda become the property of the Bermuda Post Office? (25)

2. Do any other mail carriers (courier firms, etc.) lose parcels? (25)

3. When does mail destined for Canada become the responsibility of the Canadian Post Office? (25)

4. Do Bermudians have inflated egos? (2)

5. What is a Survivor? (1)


Postmaster General

Actions, not words

September 11, 2002

Dear Sir,

I was appalled to read about the state of the Hospital and especially the demise of Agape House. We have the highest cancer rate in the world, one in two in Bermuda and one and three in the rest of the world. So tell me why, in such an affluent society, do we have such deplorable care for our dying? My main concern is "why do we have so much cancer in Bermuda?"

Is it because of the pesticides and bug sprays we use, especially Baygon? Or is it the roof paint which has a huge list of chemicals added! It must be something we all do! We need to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible! I was under the impression a Texas Hospital started a survey over a year ago, so where are the results and what can we do to change our statistics?

I think a new unit should be built either with PALS or in the Botanical Gardens. Agape House should then be used for our new MRI scanner. Do the public realise the ambulance will have to go all the way around Point Finger Road, then up a very dangerous Berry Hill Road, adding three minutes to their journey. As we all know three minutes is crucial during a cardiac arrest! Tell me why are we bringing this scanner to Bermuda when the majority of the patients using it will still be sent abroad for treatment? I think all this money would have been better used in finishing the out-patients department and the post-anaesthetic care unit. What is the point of new operating suites if the above units are unable to cope with the increased amounts of patients, and frequently stop to allow the backlog to go through.

I was taught to finish every project to the best of your ability before starting the next!

We did have an amazing hospice when it first opened, and in my opinion the only way to move forward is to reconvene the original members of the board and become the best hospice the world has to offer. Palliative care is very specialised therefore Agape House should be a separate entity. Most people today use western and alternative medicines which treats the patient as a whole person, this should be available to all our patients.

As stated in the original article "pallative care needs spiritual, motional and physical care, together with intense support of the family". This is the way of the future, let us be a step ahead.

If the hospital is in financial trouble, perhaps we should set up a foundation where the hospice can be independently run, like Casey House in Toronto. The Hospitals Board states "the patient is the reason we are here" and, the hospital is "a Centre of Excellence".

I believe actions always speak louder than words!


Sandys Parish

Bush is on a mission

September 15, 2002

Dear Sir,

War against Iraq will destabilise the Middle East immediately and contribute enormously to the pollution of planet earth - home to many more non-Americans than Americans. Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder of Germany is the only world leader setting an example of careful consideration on this matter, which is obviously a very personal obsession of G.W. Bush. Tony Blair is behaving like Bush's salon poodle, and the rhetoric from the pair of them is very short on substance and long on promises to deliver proof of the threat, which Iraq poses to the 'free' world.

To date the only reliable information that we have been given, is that Iraq "has the capability of making weapons of mass destruction".... Well, so does every university laboratory in the US, the UK and the rest of Europe, Russia, Pakistan, India, China, Israel etc. etc. The populace of the US is fed emotive and relentless propaganda from its electronic media, which naturally also thoroughly soaks TV-addicted Bermuda. The people of Iraq are removed by external force that he will not be replaced instantly by a replication of himself. He was born of a system (not a good one, and not one that any of us approves of) just as George W. was born of a system.

The US refuses to sign the Kyoto Treaty on climate change (at this rate Bermuda will probably be half submerged in 50 years' time anyway!), it has placed itself above and beyond the ICC (the International Criminal Court), is reluctant to recognise the authority of the UN when it comes to invading another country, and yet it is presenting as an argument to justify US action against Iraq, lack of compliance with the UN stipulation on weapons inspections!

The US is simultaneously the world's greatest consumer and polluter. It is therefore hardly surprising that its foreign policy invokes so much furious anger around the world.


St. David's