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The Bermuda War Veterans Association sincerely thank all those who assisted us in our Poppy Day Collection. Many thanks also to those who helped to count the cash, and to the Anglican Cathedral for the use of their hall.The street collection totalled $9,763 and funds are still being received from generous private benefactors. As in previous years the total amount will be dispersed in much needed donations to war veterans or their widows.

A sincere 'thank you'

December 10, 2003

Dear Sir,

The Bermuda War Veterans Association sincerely thank all those who assisted us in our Poppy Day Collection. Many thanks also to those who helped to count the cash, and to the Anglican Cathedral for the use of their hall.

The street collection totalled $9,763 and funds are still being received from generous private benefactors. As in previous years the total amount will be dispersed in much needed donations to war veterans or their widows.

All Bermuda war veterans wish to express their sincere gratitude.



Bermuda War Veterans Association

'Destroyed families'

December 10, 2003

Dear Sir,

Prior to the UBP Government removing parent's rights to discipline children, most of our children were well behaved. Yes you had the few whose behaviours were very bad that also needed special attention. Now it seems that you have few that are well behaved. Yes, you had the few whose behaviours were very bad that also needed special attention. Prior to these new laws parents had more to say in the manner in which their families were disciplined. Family Service workers all too often advise parents on how to raise a family without having the hands-on experience themselves. I am not underrating a degree in psychology, but when it comes to raising children I have yet to see one book that will serve to raise every individual child in one family. I cannot see one person having the answer for every family problem that they come across. Too often families are torn apart because they do not live the way the worker was raised. Ask family members to get involved in supervised visits. Who wants to visit their child with a social worker watching over you with your child as though the worker is a prison officer and the parent is a prisoner? So many children are parentless. Why remove parents from their lives completely?

Remember this, a short story from a 'Chicken Soup' book, about a drunken man who had such a fine son. When that man died people felt he was worthless and that he had wasted his life. Yet he left behind a fine, respectful and well-raised son. One person asked how this boy grew to be such a fine man with such a drunk for a father. The young man explained that no matter what, his father came into his room every night and told his son how much he loved him. Even if you may think that this father is of no value to society, remember this, no matter what that man is to the world to his children he is daddy.

Some of the workers are dating or married to man with similar problems. Some workers remove children because the home was not in order when they visited. I can tell you a known fact. Not all of you keep the cleanest home. So why destroy other families over mistakes that you yourself have made. Family Services, help the families when you can. When you come across a family situation you are not familiar with, ask for help from someone more experienced. Do not let the first answer be drag the family to court to separate them. Also stop leaving people who are seriously neglecting their children to go unaccounted for just because you are friends with their families.

Children must not have their lives destroyed because you neglect to give the judge the correct information to help him make a proper decision based on the truth. Destroyed families will not have a positive impact on the community. Maybe if these children will later show up in your life or family member's life in a very negative way. Stop being biased and deal with the facts on hand.

All the pressure has been on Bermuda Housing Corporation. Someone needs to take a look at what is going on in Family Services and family court. You may locate some of the reasons why our young people are so disrespectful towards adults, are so defensive about their territories and so violent. Often you workers come off as though you are God Himself. When you realise the case is not going your way you are willing to lie to the judge. In these cases the judge is like the wife of a cheating husband and the worker is like that cheating husband. The wife does not believe anyone but her cheating, lying husband. The judge takes the worker's word even when it is proven that the worker has not followed up on that particular case at all since the family's last court appearance.



BHC's 'inspired' ideas

December 12, 2003

Dear Sir,

Recently it has been brought to the public's attention that the BHC has come up with yet another wonderful idea to ease the Government's housing woes. Of course this band aid has been heralded to be the most economical and enlightened option for the hard working Bermudian taxpayer. But one has to bear in mind that this is the same BHC that paid $800,000 to paint a couple of houses. (I need not continue with this fiasco as it is still unresolved.)

This is the same BHC that paid twice the price to build a handful of 'low-cost houses' in Warwick. This is the same BHC that is going to build 'millionaire homes' in St. George's because the beautiful view is too good for working-class Bermudians. So why am I not surprised with their latest bright idea to spend even more of the taxpayers' money, to the tune of a several million dollars, building apartments on top of 100-year-old, second- rate garrison buildings in Prospect which have been condemned many times over, some as recently as ten years ago. Not only have they chosen a neighbourhood that already has a large number of emergency houses, but it also has over 50 middle class town houses as well as one of the largest senior citizen housing complexes on the Island.

I am holding my breath to see the next inspired idea our imaginative BHC and our budget-conscious Government comes up with next.




Scott's loud protests

December 15, 2003

Dear Sir,

Bermuda's Constitution states that the legal system and security are to be kept separate from politics. So why is Premier Alex Scott protesting so loudly and often about the appointment of the Chief Justice and who should be appointed? Is it because there are so many friends and colleagues being questioned on the whereabouts of money allocated to the Berkeley and BIU contracts etc.? Is it because friends and colleagues are being questioned about the Housing Corporation rip-off? Perhaps a local appointment would be more sympathetic?

It may be that the Governor via the Police Service and Scotland Yard as well as Mr. Scott know the answers and this is why Mrs. Wade is favoured over a judge from overseas!

If Mrs. Wade's appointment fails, maybe the next step would be to make Westgate more luxurious and larger to hopefully accommodate the rip-off artists in a way in which they have become accustomed!

Bermuda's nightmare could turn into a dream and a lesson learned.

If we were to go independent, Mr. Scott living at Government House with his present salary and the Governor's with two jobs to do, we should get him a helicopter so that he could travel like President Bush. I'd better shut my mouth or I might be put before a firing squad as they do in Cuba!



Minister's only option...

December 11, 2003

Dear Sir,

As a resident of Prospect, Devonshire, I wish to express my shock and outrage that the "Government of the People" would even consider, let alone announce they are going to build a further 34 housing units in this already overpopulated and strained neighbourhood. Obviously "those who represent the people" have either never visited this area or they are representing "another group of people", not the hard-working Bermudians who reside here. Already this area has accommodated emergency housing/low income renters and endured patiently the often trying circumstances which have accompanied this transformation of our neighbourhood. Contrary to the statement about the Minister of Housing, we do not suffer from the 'Not In My Backyard Syndrome' as our backyards have long since disappeared. It should be obvious to the Minister that his only option left in Prospect is to take our sky.



Setting a bad example

December 17, 2003

Dear Sir,

I am writing with concerns with regards to the Police Service. I would just like to say that I was born and raised in Somerset, and it disgusts me to see at least once or twice out of the week on my journey to work leaving from the west going east between the hour of 7.05 and 7.20 in the morning on my route anywhere from Church Hill to Hog Bay Level and sometimes on the stretch at Port Royal, I have to brake to allow my safety because of a speeding police car heading west for the station to knock off for 7.30. There is no siren and no flashing blue light.

I am not stupid. I know they are hurrying to get back to the station to finish their shift, the Police show no respect for our roads, and should be setting an example for our youth.

The unfortunate and sad thing about all of this is, most of the Police around today are not experienced enough to drive these vehicles. The greatest training would be to send recruits to the UK for at least three months on a training course. It would be like sending them away to school to be educated. I know after completing their training in the UK they will be certified and experienced to join our force upon their return.

My son witnessed a police officer falling off his cycle just the other day. Why? Because he had no control of the bike (probably showing off) that is what they perform best at.

It is sad for me to say and I really did not think I would be thinking like this at my age but I really have no respect for the Police like before because of what I have seen and heard in the last eight to ten years about the force.



A true professional

December 12, 2003

Dear Sir,

Kudos to bus driver Mr. E. J. Zuill. Travelling on route three near the Government quarry on Friday, December 12, we came upon a CableVision cable that had fallen down (again) and was hanging barely six feet above the road. Unable to get through without bringing the cable down entirely or damaging the bus, Mr. Zuill radioed PTB to advise them that the route was impassable and asked for arrangements to be made for traffic to use the road through the quarry.

After carefully reversing his bus to the quarry road entrance he got us into Hamilton barely two minutes past the scheduled arrival time. No fuss, no dramatics, just a professional handling of the situation.


Hamilton Parish