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Letters to the Editor

On Tuesday evening, November 7, at approximately 8.45 p.m., travelling South Shore, Paget, our car for no apparent reason stopped (we had sufficient gas). Much traffic passed as we sat there with no cell phone to call for assistance. I tried to help my husband push the car across the road. While doing so, a young man going the other direction stopped and helped get the car onto the grass verge, then hopped back on his bike without giving us his name. Walking home, a lady stopped to offer us a drive home. We were so grateful, but again did not get her name. To these two "good Samaritans", our heartfelt thanks. God bless you for your kindness.

Heartfelt thanks

November 17, 2006

Dear Sir,

On Tuesday evening, November 7, at approximately 8.45 p.m., travelling South Shore, Paget, our car for no apparent reason stopped (we had sufficient gas). Much traffic passed as we sat there with no cell phone to call for assistance. I tried to help my husband push the car across the road. While doing so, a young man going the other direction stopped and helped get the car onto the grass verge, then hopped back on his bike without giving us his name. Walking home, a lady stopped to offer us a drive home. We were so grateful, but again did not get her name. To these two "good Samaritans", our heartfelt thanks. God bless you for your kindness.



Looks can be deceptive

November 20, 2006

Dear Sir,

I read with interest "A Proud Bermudian By Choice" in November 17 Letters to the Editor. It may be uncomfortable for many ? the assertion that one is automatically deemed "non-Bermudian" on the basis of skin colour.

My own experiences in this vein, throughout my adult life, have been at times distressing but often humorous. My wife (who incidentally is a black Bermudian ? and a direct descendent of Mary Warfield) will assert that I "don't look Portuguese".

She attributes this to my British mother. Perhaps my looking decidedly Northern European is the prime impetus ? in having been told on occasion over the years to "go back where you came from".

Often this statement has been laced with very spicy metaphors. The funny thing is ? I have always disarmed, even embarrassed the "complainant" when replying in my easily recognisable "son of the soil" accent that I was born in Paget and come from Beacon Hill, Somerset!

I refuse to presume that the complainant directed the comment toward me solely because I'm white. I want to believe it came with the caveat that I was presumed a foreigner. Acknowledging that there are several researched concerns attached to so many "foreigners" on our small island home, I sympathise with those who legitimately cannot fulfil occupation or affordable living. And, I'm certain that xenophobic comments are targeted at both black and white people. That said ? I have no time for the lazy and uninspired.

I take solace in progress underway at present ? the likely Appointment of a black Governor being case in point. This should further negate racist bleating from many underachievers among us. I am equally certain that there are a lot of wall sitters rapidly running out of excuses ...




Donations welcome, but...

November 14, 2006

Dear Sir,

The Committee of 25 for Handicapped Children charity shop on Serpentine Road is operated by volunteers who give countless hours to raise funds for the handicapped. We are very grateful to the public for their kind donations of quality items ? new and used clothing which no longer fits, pushchairs, cribs, and children's items which have been outgrown, paintings, kitchen wares, and small items of furniture, which no longer suite the decor.

Donations should be dropped off at the facility during our normal business hours Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon, when our volunteers are delighted to receive them and move them into the building for processing.

We do, however, have a major problem with items being dropped off when the facility is closed. Bags of clothing hurled over the gate invite all sorts of intruders rummaging through and leaving a mess behind. Of particular concern are the mattresses and furniture disposed of near our facility ? it is impossible for us to resell these items, and our volunteers are unable to remove them as we do not have a vehicle to transport them to Tynes Bay or the Government dump.

Please continue to support Committee of 25 for Handicapped Children, but PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE ITEMS WHEN THE FACILITY IS CLOSED.


Committee of 25 for Handicapped Chil dren Volunteer

Shame! Shame! Shame!

November 3, 2006

Dear Sir,

The St. George's Foundation has invited the public to an "Open House". Before anyone goes, I hope they will set an example for St. Georgians and stop breaking the preservation rules by replacing the aluminium doors they have installed on the World Heritage Centre. Shame! Shame!

Where is the St. George's Preservation Authority? Where is the National Trust? Where is the Mayor since the Corporation owns the building?



Misplaced optimism

November 23, 2006

Dear Sir,

I am becoming increasingly concerned with the numbers of people, including members of the press, that seem to be suggesting that the rise of Dr. Brown to the Premiership (or is it Presidency?) is a renaissance period for Bermuda. In case there are some people that are suffering from what I like to call "convenient amnesia" I remind them of just some issues that have yet to be fully and properly investigated. Some, in not all of these matters would have been subject to serious and continued scrutiny by the press no matter the colour of the skin of the politician involved if they had occurred in the United States or the UK (think Jeremy Paxman on the BBC's Newsnight ) and indeed there would have been public hearings on some of the matters.

1. An awareness by the PLP that CedarBridge had mould issues at least 18 months ago.

2. A failure by the PLP Government's then W&E minister and later "P" to produce a chit for the performance bond for the new Berkeley.

3. A decline in the number of students graduating form high school.

4. A sweetheart deal for a known PLP supporter over the Coco Reef lease.

5. Admitted "unethical" behaviour (but not illegal!) over the BHC where several ministers were implicated, including the newest Premier (who continues to ride the wave of deceit as "P" following the deposing of now Dame Jennifer Smith).

6. The Bermuda homes lottery debacle.

7. The pull out of the predecessor company to KJA Development over Club Med.

8. A rise in violent crime.

9. An increase in the over all tax burden on Bermudian families.

10. Government travel spending averaging $1 million per month.

Mr. Editor, I could go on. It is difficult to look forward and share in the misplaced optimism relating to the "new" Cabinet and leader when the fact is the PLP Cabinet includes Ministers who have been involved with the disasters I have mentioned above. I remind you that the Cabinet includes a Minister who oversaw the BHC whilst the coffers were being bled dry (now effectively in charge of what will likely be Bermuda's largest capital project in history), a Minister who when in charge of Public Safety oversaw a rise in violent crime, allowed 10,000 warrants to accumulate and was involved in an altercation on an airline to Bermuda last year (now in charge of educating our children) and finally a Minister who used racial slurs on his own radio show who is rewarded with the Ministry of Public Safety. These so-called "new" Ministers are being led by Dr. Brown who has overseen a significant increase in the number of cars on the road and size of cars permitted and whose own character is tarnished by his own comments on the need to "mislead" us (not apparently to deceive us).

Mr. Editor when I think of such instances as I have outlined above I do not see hope on the horizon. I see a continued failure to deal with the issues that mean most to Bermudians, I see cronyism and nepotism continuing and most of all rampant overspends and cover ups on capital project. There is nothing "new" in that. Renaissance indeed!



Deliver us a Post Office

November 13, 2006

Dear Sir,

Now that Bermuda has a new Premier in Mr. Ewart Brown, perhaps some thought could be given to creating a Post Office for Bermuda.

Most countries have a Post Office, and I have often wondered why Bermuda is an exception.

I look forward to having a Post Office one day in Bermuda and actually receiving mail.


Hamilton Parish

Sluggish and abysmal

November 18, 2006

Dear Sir,

When will the Government get a system that will adopt itself to the mediocre "broadband" speeds that Bermudians must endure? The Government "Portal" is the most sluggish system available. I can wait at TCD and get serviced faster than a page gets refreshed on their "portal" system.

Not only are the "broadband" speeds abysmal, but the Govt "portal" system compounds the already unacceptable response times.

Oh well. Bermuda is another world.


AKA, waiting... waiting.... close application