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I can't take it any more! I have tried my best to stay tuned to Fresh TV. But it is far too painful to watch. I actually feel sorry for the people who work there. It must be frustrating to them as it is for the viewer.

June 29, 2003

Dear Sir,

I can't take it any more! I have tried my best to stay tuned to Fresh TV. But it is far too painful to watch. I actually feel sorry for the people who work there. It must be frustrating to them as it is for the viewer.

I would love to see local programmes succeed but there has to be some sort of basic standard (like starting shows on time, and being able to actually hear what the people are saying).

I applaud the effort but it clear that the station has been unable to improve. Perhaps they should go off air and come back when they are better able to provide a quality product.



July 3, 2003

Dear Sir,

I used to be so very proud of my beautiful Island (not 'country,' 'Island') and I was always delighted when I travelled abroad and people would ask, 'whereabouts in the Caribbean is Bermuda?'

I took great pride in pointing out that Bermuda is all by itself, NOT in the Caribbean at all, but actually in the North Atlantic - unique among islands. I proudly informed my listeners of Bermuda's British heritage and of the prosperity we Bermudians enjoyed in an atmosphere of safety and quiet.

I was proud of the friendship and hospitality always offered to our visitors. I used to tell prospective tourists about the many attractions they would enjoy on a trip to our Island, such as the Ag Show, and especially the opening of the show by our Governor, who always arrived in a shiny carriage drawn by a team of horses.

I also took great pride in telling them that Bermuda had none of the poverty which is so prevalent in the islands to the south of us, and also that we were relative crime-free in comparison to those places in the Caribbean. When I was in boarding school I had a poster on my wall of one of our beautiful pink beaches and fellow students unfailingly wanted to know about the colour of our sand and the breath-taking blues and greens of our waters.

In four short years all of this has gone. In its place there is an underlying current of lawlessness - a sense that "I can get away with anything these days". There are frightening similarities between the current government and Hitler's Nazi Party - i.e. ethnic cleansing, total arrogance and total disdain for the public whom they were elected to serve, the spending of public funds on the trappings of POWER - i.e. huge cars, the establishment of an elite circle of toadies to surround the leader, a government cloaked in secrecy, a propaganda ministry of spew out the party line and effectively shut up any and all who dare to disagree, luxurious travel and entertainment at the public's expense, the turning of a blind eye and a deaf ear to the intelligent advice of those who would dare to point out the folly of the course the government is taking, etc. etc.

Corruption abounds. Now we are a part of Caricom - possibly the stupidest move ever made by a ruling government of a prosperous island - and are cosying up to the Communist regime of Cuba, thus giving a slap in the face to our old friend and ally, the United States.

The ignorance displayed is astonishing. Anywhere else and I'd be killing myself laughing at the ineptness of such a government but, sadly, it's not funny because it's happening to us and if it continues, we are doomed.

For the life of me I cannot imagine anyone with even a tiny bit of common sense voting for these arrogant, misinformed (to put it kindly), backward-thinking people. Why is the PLP so intent on turning this once-prosperous and happy Island into a third-world Caribbean 'country?'

I have to believe that Bermudians are not the stupid sheep that the PLP believes we are, and I have to believe that we will not allow ourselves to be destroyed by a small band of self-serving politicians who don't give a damn about the public it was elected to serve. If I am wrong, God help us all.



July 2, 2003

Dear Sir,

In support of a valid point, by Quinton Edness in your Letters to the Editor, pertaining to Albouy's Point, which stated that there is a possibility of the area being commercialised - taking another park from us...

Quinton's objections are valid and something "all we lot" should support... What next in-it?

Just envision this already active park area being zoned commercial. Not only the marine traffic act, but how about parking and let us not forget pedestrians. Wow, what a sight.

As Quinton mentioned, this area is zoned PARK, and shouldn't be taken from not just us, and the future generations but the beauty of Hamilton, little is left. Come now, lets get behind this relevant objection of what maybe Hamilton Corporation's next venture.


Tuckers Town