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Letters to the Editor: Bring back Jazz with Johnson

Having played forth saxophone in Sydney Ottley's big dance band (opportunity) in my mid-20s as well as playing in other dance bands I can't help but be caught up by the music played by the likes of Cousin Juicy and Jazz with Johnson.

Bring back Johnson

November 13, 2003

Dear Sir,

Having played forth saxophone in Sydney Ottley's big dance band (opportunity) in my mid-20s as well as playing in other dance bands I can't help but be caught up by the music played by the likes of Cousin Juicy and Jazz with Johnson.

As a result, I am very disappointed at the cancelling of the Jazz with Johnson programme, I am aware of others who either played instruments or did not play instruments who enjoyed his selection. Judging by Mr. Johnson's comments his listening audience was growing over nine years of broadcasting. It is not always easy for me to avail myself of jazz channel on TV so these programmes more than make up for what I missed on TV. I would like others who are unhappy about the cancellation to publicly express their displeasure either through press or the talk shows.



Enforce prisons treaty

November 10, 2003

Dear Sir,

I'm curious about what happened to the "treaty" that was signed pertaining to foreign inmates going to the country to finish serving their time? What's the hold-up? Our prisons are full. I say send these people home and let their governments pay for their upkeep.

I have a penpal in Co-ed who has applied for a transfer home butshe says she keeps getting excuses as to why she can't go. Has this "treaty" been shelved or buried on someone's desk? Let's make some vacancies in our prison system. There must be some inmates past their half-time or two-thirds time. Send them home!

