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Letters to the Editor: Don't lecture us, Limey

May I use your columns to respond to Limey's web site since I am not a "blogger"? But since someone was sufficiently concerned to call me and read me his comments I would like to respond. It is ironic that he begins by pointing out a fact that most Blacks are all too aware of, that is that Whites in Bermuda care no more about the pain and humiliation inflicted on us by racism than they do about the misery in Kosovo. Unfortunately for them the violent reaction and hatred created by their racism and indifference just may, eventually, touch them more than any violence in Kosovo.

January 2, 2006

Dear Sir,

May I use your columns to respond to Limey's web site since I am not a "blogger"? But since someone was sufficiently concerned to call me and read me his comments I would like to respond. It is ironic that he begins by pointing out a fact that most Blacks are all too aware of, that is that Whites in Bermuda care no more about the pain and humiliation inflicted on us by racism than they do about the misery in Kosovo. Unfortunately for them the violent reaction and hatred created by their racism and indifference just may, eventually, touch them more than any violence in Kosovo.

Limey then goes on to condemn(?) my concern that the division within the black community has made further progress in race relations unlikely. At the same time he points out and lists the various positions taken by different Blacks without seeming to recognise that it is because of this that the white community would not know how to respond even if they wanted to do so ? of course there is no evidence that they do!

He lectures us in the black community while not once acknowledging that the white community is a great deal more united on the issue of race than Blacks are ever likely to be. The most rabid left wing Communist from Great Britain promptly becomes a "conservative" UBP supporter when he lands in Bermuda. At the same time look at how many Blacks also belong to the UBP ? which its suits Limey to ignore. Limey, who is lecturing us (or me) about "integration" is too recent a newcomer (perhaps) to know that throughout most of my long life that is all that the black community struggled to achieve and which we were consistently denied by a powerful white community because we were said to be too inferior to mix with them. He chooses to ignore the fact ? and this he has a responsibility to know if he is commenting on race relations in Bermuda ? that even the PLP from the outset, dumped a long time black politician in favour of a white woman because they so badly wanted to be "integrated" and that was treated with the same contempt by the white community as they treat anything that comes out of the black community and they remained totally united in their determination to retain white supremacy. It really is infuriating to have Limey lecture us about "integration" when anything in Bermuda that is the least "integrated" is because blacks "integrated" whites just as they did the UBP.

They were whites, not blacks, who insisted on segregation in the first place and who, although they were indifferent to our pain and humiliation have done all that they can to maintain the racial barriers ? and to that they are not indifferent. I give Limey 100% for being willing to discuss the issue since, as he points out, most whites ignore us, even though he seems to be deliberately blind to the reality of our racial dynamics. It should occur to him that since they were whites who instituted the racial divide and have struggled to maintain it by their totally united support of the UBP (no matter what their political philosophy may be) that whatever he approved of in Tim Wise's address he should be preaching to the white community, and trying very hard to make them realise that our pain and humiliation and increasing anger is not in Kosovo but is a lot closer to their homes ? until they decide to leave. In fact much that I have said since Tim Wise has been directed at that reality. It does not matter what either the PLP or the black community does or says as long as the white community who introduced segregation and fought hard to maintain it continues to be as indifferent to us as he recognises that they are. Blacks who today care nothing about "integration" have come to that position because they are "sick and tired" of striving for something that whites are determined not to give with any sincerity or integrity ? as much as they may talk about blacks' lack of integrity.

P.s. "It's not surprising that many whites have little desire to get involved!" writes Limey.

They get "involved" enough to maintain their political (in Bda that's racial) unity! They introduced segregation, they have fought to maintain it, but now they are excused for not wanting "to get involved"! Blacks have "integrated" the white churches, they have "integrated" the white schools but Limey is "disillusioned" because some of us see that with all the "integration" that blacks have done whites are just as indifferent to us and as resistant to change as they have ever been.

Too much trash

January 9, 2005

I can remember moving to the country, the North Shore in Devonshire, from the City of Hamilton as a young adolescent and that we had a garden. Most houses had a small space for growing a few things. I had moved in with my Grandparents who informed me that all paper had to be burned in our fireplace, barbeque type structure or an incinerator or a large metal barrel in the back yard and the ashes were used in the garden.

I remember only cans were put down the road side for collection. There were contests put on by " Libby's, Libby's, Libby's" using their labels and other like companies to encourage people to take the paper off the tins.

Now it's an environmental thing, a hazard, to burn trash, so now they are declaring that there is too much trash. I wonder how many remember those days when we all had trash cans and no plastic bags.

Those old timers knew how to recycle their way. Just a thought.



Proposal is an insult

January 9, 2006

Dear Sir,

Re: Proposed New Bingo

I was appalled to see on the front page of the Friday, January 6th, 2006's edition of the , the article on the proposed daily Bingo revolution. As an avid player of Bingo, nightly on our Island, I will do every thing to see that this does not get off the ground on this Island and am asking for support from the Public of Bermuda.

I feel this is an insult to the intelligence of the Bermuda people. The beloved machines were deemed illegal and many of us fell in love with them and I should have made some noise and got signatures then but I, as well as others, just settled and waited for the right thing to be done. No change since the times of 'Tucker's Town Days' ? someone would right this for us and (oh well!) it's done now, we say and then just mope over the situation.

Bermuda is a democratic society and not one to be dictated to. The Clubs that host Bingo games are just about making it, their over- head costs. Now and then they have held games offering up to $10,000.00 Jackpots. Since the closure of the gaming and poker machines the people are once again patronising our nightly Bingo Halls. These are our community places.

Bingo is held Monday nights at the Leopard's Club, Tuesdays at Blue Water Angler's Club and the B.A.A. Club, Wednesdays at the Devonshire Recreation Club, Thursdays at the Ex-Artillery Men's Club and the B.A.A. Club, Fridays at the Warwick Workmen's Club, Saturdays at the Devonshire Recreation Club and Ex-Artillery Men's Club in the afternoon and Sunday nights at the Spanish Point Boat Club.

How could this even be put on the tables for this Island when the gaming machines' profits went to Bermudians only and as an average person, I felt that all the Government had to do was to tax the incomes of the owners rather than take them out altogether.

Referring to the article, what are 'professional Bingo Players', or the 'best bingo players around the World' ? It was stated that we could not have gambling here because it would attract "shady" people. There are 'Bingo Lovers all around the World'. As a player of Bingo everywhere I've travelled, in London, the U.S.A. and in Canada, I can tell you that, only once in a while, are the odds, that a progressive Jackpot is won. This proposal is an insult to the statement that Bermudians come first. This proposed computerised Bingo gaming would take from our Clubs and I am encouraging all of Bermuda, Bingo Players or not, to stand up with me and others to say 'NO' to Mr. Robert Miller of Canada and his company, Circle Entertainment. If Bermudians want to try different Bingo games they have a choice of Bingo Games on the internet.

Look at returning the gaming machines in whatever way you see fit because this Bingo will not fly on this ISLAND. This is the wrong type of situation to be first in around the world. Let's keep Bingo In-house. THANK YOU !!!!

Bermudian with eyes wide open and ready to take ACTION !!!!

Sick and disgusted

January 12, 2005

Dear Sir,

With reference the front page article in the RG on Thurs. Jan. 12th, 2006.

"A 21st Century Form of Slavery".

While I agree wholeheartedly with the article in respect to the 'cause' that each and all individuals have the right to strongly protest, defend and remove themselves from participating in events, organisations and/or government legislation that is against ones belief and or religion?What I do not understand and am about is the comment "young black men" in Bermuda. Does is not make sense that there is a higher number of black men called into Regiment, when clearly the black population are the majority. Could it not be assumed that more young black men do not pursue further off-island education, leaving them more venerable/available to serve in the Regiment?

As a Bermudian, I am angered that we "Bermudians" (born and raised), still have a fine divide between white and black. It's ironic with all the war in the world that you rarely ever hear about colour/race in the rest of the world, and yet Bermuda, in all its glory to avail themselves as one of the most evolving and accepted "1st world" countries, is stuck in the revolving door, never getting off or through this issue; primarily due to The Government and politics as a whole.

Growing up 40 years in Bermuda, I attended the government schools, both elementary and secondary, and never as a youth, considered Bermuda's problem with the country to be black verses white. Now, with teenage children in the same system, I appreciate their 'blindness' and 'purity' that their neighbours, friends and schoolmates as just that? with no colour or labels attached.

I would say grow up Bermuda? but maybe it is far wiser for the success of our country, to walk in the footsteps of our children. Much could be learned and built-upon to ensure the culture of Bermudians is preserved for the next generations to come through, otherwise we shall ALL lose out!