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Letters to the Editor, January 13, 2003

By your editorial of today regarding Senator Burch's most recent press conference and announcements you have confirmed my faith. Your hitherto relatively benign treatment of the Minister and his zeal in doing the people's business had left me uncomfortable. However, you have resumed your rightful place as this government's chief critic with what I can only describe as a tortuous logic espoused in your editorial of today.

January 9, 2003

Dear Sir,

By your editorial of today regarding Senator Burch's most recent press conference and announcements you have confirmed my faith. Your hitherto relatively benign treatment of the Minister and his zeal in doing the people's business had left me uncomfortable. However, you have resumed your rightful place as this government's chief critic with what I can only describe as a tortuous logic espoused in your editorial of today.

You have decided with unanimity that the good Minister's honeymoon is over and that he too must now be subjected to your Opposition-seasoned positions. Your indirect suggestion that matters under criminal investigation should be debated on the floor of the House is, to borrow your own praise, preposterous. That said, Sir, I take comfort in the fact that most right thinking individuals in this community side with Colonel Burch on this one. I understand fully the newspaperman's abhorrence of an untouchable, but before you take on this Minister think carefully about how your readers will view a paper that criticises a government for “doing and or saying nothing” and one that does and says much is in the same breath. I think the expression is “sucking and blowing”. I remain, yours faithfully



December 13, 2002

Dear Sir,

‘Tis the season to be jolly” ...as well as reflecting on our progress in the year gone by. Looking back at the time spent at the Hospice, I would like to to take this opportunity to give a personal thank you to all of our volunteers who have given us tireless service over the years. When someone takes time out of their busy schedule to give service to people who need help; that is a very special someone. To be honest, without our volunteers, our reputation wouldn't be as good as it is.

Speaking of volunteers, we had 20 full time staff members from The Bermuda Regiment under the direction of Lt. Col. Edward Lamb, come to the Hospice on December 4. They painted, cut, cleaned out hedges, scrubbed and all in all brightened our day. This tremendously improved the appearance of our grounds.

Since I wasn't on duty the day they visited, I would like to thank the men and women of the Regiment for their great support. Once again, thank you volunteers for your dedication to giving us your service.


Clinical Coordinator

Agape House

January 4, 2002

Dear Sir,

Horrified is the only way to describe my feelings after reading the article on Doctor Murray's Immigration fiasco! I am horrified that we have finally come to this. I am horrified that we are entering 2003 with a government that proves it is heading back in time instead of forging into the New Year. They are showing that in Bermuda today, one must not stand up for what one believes lest one by ‘whipped' into shape by an intolerant government who will stop at nothing to satisfy their vengeful hearts. Minister after government minister, only following the lead of their Madam Premier, throw accusations out at people “simply doing their jobs” and others who involve themselves in disputes that displease the present government. I guess the PLP have waited for over 30 years to run this country so play on going back even further to “set things right” by running the land as a feudal master would run his domain... or else!


Hamilton Parish

January 05, 2003

Dear Sir,

I am responding to the news of the fascist-like treatment of Dr. Jonathan Marry. Have we Bermudians slipped so far into the gutter that we feel it necessary to treat another person in this callous way? What of the impact on Dr. Murray's patients and on his staff? Dr. Murray is a most highly qualified and brilliant man who will be able to practice anywhere he chooses. It is the people of Bermuda who will lose out when he goes. Don't forget the person responsible when you vote in the next General Election. I am very saddened by the overall decline and lack of caring.



Dear Sir,

When Mr. Amaral knocked down the Palmetto Bay Hotel and was given permission to build the condos on that property, it included as part of the planning permission to build the condos, that he would also build and operate a small hotel to be located on the south side of that property.

This was very clear. Now he wishes to buy the White Sands Hotel which is probably a good thing, but I hope that Planning will be strong and not consider granting him permission to build condos at White Sands until he has fulfilled his obligation to open the hotel in Flatts. This is important not only for this occasion but for all similar hotel properties that have been given condo permission with the promise to build hotel rooms also. If Palmetto Bay is let ‘off the hook' then all the other developers may just ‘forget' their hotel room obligation and Bermuda and tourism will be the poorer for it. Pretty soon we won't have any hotels to accommodate our few business travellers, much less our real visitors who support the many and varied tourist activities and shops on the island.



January 7, 2003

Dear Sir,

This letter goes out to the two scum bags that stole my bike on January 7, 2003. Your probably don't even look at a newspaper let alone read my letter. It's because of people like you that makes the insurance so high. You are so stupid that you do not realise your insurance goes up as well. Remember I got a good look at you. It is slimes like you that don't care how hard a person works for their transportation or anything else. Maybe you do not believe there is a God, but you will reap what you sow. If you can come back, you will have a nice surprise; remember, God does not sleep and my dog sleeps very light. Thank to you.

