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Letters to the Editor, January 13, 2006

Special Development Orders (SDOs) have been abused by the UBP and PLP. SDOs were put in place for National Emergencies (e.g. short term housing due to a national catastrophes) not to bypass the department of planning or to speed through the planning process.

January 11, 2007

Dear Sir,

Special Development Orders (SDOs) have been abused by the UBP and PLP. SDOs were put in place for National Emergencies (e.g. short term housing due to a national catastrophes) not to bypass the department of planning or to speed through the planning process.

The Department of Planning has a very important role in preserving Bermuda's dwindling open spaces and by issuing an SDO makes a mockery of the planning process and the whole planning department. Bermuda must abolish the absolute discretion the Minister of the Environment has over SDOs and Section 34 Covenants.



January 11, 2007

Dear Sir,

Dr. Brown has got it wrong! The proposed development at Southlands is not good for Bermuda or Bermudians. There is not one thing in the proposal that can benefit any Bermudians, rich or poor, black or white. What it will do, in fact, is make life for all Bermudians considerably worse. We already have full employment, and we have to import labour for construction now. Housing will be more strained to accommodate the "400" people to fill these jobs. The average Bermudian who is looking for the average rent will be more squeezed out than ever! More jobs = more housing = more cars! This is not sustainable development. It will, in fact, benefit one or two already powerful and rich Bermudians, who want to be more rich and powerful. Is this what Dr. Brown is so "thrilled" about? For the rest of us, loss of open space, more congestion, higher housing prices, are what we will get. We already have several huge projects on the drawing board which are going to be burdensome enough.

Bermuda should be a leader in sustainable development. We should add our small bit of "green lung" to a world gasping for oxygen and overcome by CO2. We should lead by example and turn Southlands into a fabulous park for Bermudians and visitors to enjoy. We should think about that ALL Bermudians really need, what our children and grandchildren really need. They do not need to see Southlands developed. It will not be good for Bermuda or Bermudians, no matter what Dr. Brown would like us to believe. As with the Botanical Gardens, we all need to protest and protect!



January 4, 2007

Dear Sir,

One of the most talked about topics at the Christmas parties this year was "where have all the Christmas cards gone?"

A visit to the local post office this first week of January, enquiring about the lack of mail, resulted in a large bundle of Christmas cards being handed over! Many of them had been posted in Hamilton in the first week of December!

In effect the post office is taking money under false pretences as it fails to deliver on its side of the transaction in a timely fashion.

When mail, posted within Europe, can reach its destination in two days then one has to wonder what is wrong with the system here where it regularly takes three weeks to travel a few miles!



January 3, 2007

Dear Sir,

I am a product of Bermuda of the 1940s. Will someone help me by letting me know:

(1) Where were all the liberal white people when my human rights were being violated daily?

(2) Where were the editorials exhorting white people to be more human in their daily dealings with black people?

It rings extremely hollow to my ears to hear all the exhortations of the press and the writers (white) who constantly remind us about human rights. Here's the challenge:

I intend to write about white Bermudians who openly challenged racism in Bermuda between 1900-1980.

Kindly assist me by indicating where I can find such articles/editorials/letters in your illustrious daily. I would love to have the names of these white Bermudians who championed the fight against racism/segregation in that era.



Editor's Note: Anyone who wishes to assist Gatha's Son in his quest can contact the Editor who will forward the information on.

December 18, 2006

Dear Sir,

Is that Patricia Pamplin-Gordon I see in the newspaper getting tough with a couple of PLP ministers? Do my eyes deceive me? Is that a UBP parliamentarian standing up to the PLP?

My word. Keep it up Ms Pamplin-Gordon! You know, you could teach your colleagues a thing or two about being an effective Opposition. Who knows, maybe you lot might just win an election.


City of Hamilton

January 1, 2007

Dear Sir,

Bermudians know what is right and what is wrong.

Bermudians know for sure that it is wrong that approximately $20,000 of Bermudian taxpayers money has been improperly used at The Bermuda College. We also know that it should be repaid to The College.

Only the PLP Government has the power to do what should be done which is to arrange for the $20,000 to be repaid. Will the PLP Government do what should be done?

Ask your MP/Member of Parliament why he has not yet insisted that this matter be resolved in a proper way!



January 3, 2007

Dear Sir,

People will never respect the speed limit in Bermuda because it is ridiculous. 35 kph on Happy Valley Road is ridiculously fast. 35 kph on Ferry Reach Road is ridiculously slow. You and I could go on with many more examples. A simple, one-speed limit across the island for all roads is ridiculous. We all know this is true, including the Police, which is why they let us get away with speeding up to 50 kph - 40 percent higher than the posted speed limit.

What we need is a survey (scientific, not political or opinion based) of all the roads in Bermuda followed by the implementation of the recommended and hopefully reasonable new speed limit per road or stretch of road.

These new speed limits must then be enforced - no more leeway.

Yes, I know this will be expensive to implement and maintain, but what cost a survey and a bunch of new speed limit signs compared to future sanity on the roads?



January4, 2007

Dear Sir,

Would you write in your paper a "Thank You" from all at "Elizabeth Hills Park" to "Two Ladies" who gave a bag full of goodies to us all on December 22, 2006 in the afternoon. I asked their names or their church and they would not tell me.



December 28, 2006

Dear Sir,

A heartfelt "Thank You" from the Sunshine League Children's Home to all who assisted in any way with our tag days of Friday, December 1 and Saturday, December 2, 2006.

Thank you to each and every person who offered our tags to the public - to everyone who contributed - employers who allowed their employees time off from regular duties - those who provided refreshments and businesses who allowed us to tag from their premises, your cooperation and generosity made it possible for us to be blessed with a total of $23,455.00.

May you all be blessed and prosper during the ensuring year.


Tag Day Coordinator