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Letters to the Editor, July 8, 2003

Thank you for allowing me the space in your column to voice my opinion. I am writing on behalf of the young people of today. With all of the negative comments and stories about Bermuda's young people, I would like to ask the question where are the positive role models?

June 21, 2003

Dear Sir,

Thank you for allowing me the space in your column to voice my opinion. I am writing on behalf of the young people of today. With all of the negative comments and stories about Bermuda's young people, I would like to ask the question where are the positive role models?

As a young man who was brought up under negative influences, I only knew what I had been taught. As the saying goes, “you reap what you sow”. When we ask the question: “What has happened to our young people of today”, we should also ask the question “what happened to the people of yesterday?”

Are we right to blame the young people for the frustration and anger that they possess today? With the leadership that is shown by our government it is no wonder the youngsters are “lost”. Are the parents of today teaching their children about God? I don't think so. There are mothers and daughters who go to clubs together, and sons who are selling drugs to, with and from their fathers. Tell me if that is leadership.

I can go on and on about the negative things that are going on,but I would also like to commend those who are out there being positive role models. We hardly read about the good things on the front page of the paper, so some people may feel that their good works are being unnoticed. But as a God-fearing young man I would like to remind you that he sees and records everything, both good and bad.



July 2, 2003

Dear Sir,

I'd like to take this opportunity to respond to an article that appeared in the June 30 edition. This was a letter to the editor entitled “Treat Races Equally” signed by “Black Bermudian”.

I don't even need to go through the content of this letter to address my concerns. I believe my issue is covered off with the title and signature of this article. Why is it necessary to sign your name “Black Bermudian” and not just “Bermudian” or even “Concerned Bermudian”?

I'll quote you from your letter saying “it's just that we're all supposed to be viewed as equals” when in fact by signing your name as “Black Bermudian” you don't want to be viewed in any other way than as a black Bermudian”. Understandably, you are proud of your heritage as you should be but you should be proud of your Bermudian heritage because that is who you are.

Further to these comments, this individual stated that he/she thought it was “very sick” that people stood outside of a store window at 12.01 a.m. to catch a glimpse of the new Harry Potter book to read about “spiritualism”. While I would call this fantasy as opposed to “spiritualism”, I for one am pleased to see young people excited about reading.

This person basically stated that “reading or even looking at Harry Potter is obviously not what God intended for us to look at but rather, Satan”. I'd like to know why Satan gives children valuable life lessons? Why would Satan want people to treat each other with respect and with care as illustrated in the lessons from the Harry Potter books? I was honestly appalled to read such a comment.

Why can't people take fiction/fantasy for what it really is? Entertainment. Books like the Harry Potter series help to teach children positive life lessons in a manner which maintains their interest. It is unfortunate that our churches don't always appeal to our youth in this manner but the reality of it is that they do not. Not for all kids anyway.

My comment to Black Bermudian is to really look at yourself before you make judgment about others to see if you really treat races equally. By signing your name in such a fashion you have demonstrated that you do not. Your second point about the Harry Potter books is completely uneducated. I would suggest that you read one or two first before forming a prejudiced opinion and playing the God card. That was one of the most ignorant letters to the Editor I've ever seen. Please educate yourself before filling our newspaper with such garbage.


July 3, 2003

Dear Sir,

The Government would have us believe that the economy is a success story and the Government is responsible for that success, at least according to a number of members as reported in your article on Page 8 of the July 3 edition.

On the other hand the Government states that retail is suffering and that they are not responsible, or at least according to another member as reported in an article on page 39, same edition.

Well which is it? Is the government responsible or not? Is the economy in good shape or not? Taxes are higher than ever, Government spending is higher than ever, and the Government's real talent appears to be insulting the intelligence of the general population, rather than giving them credible information.

It is my belief that any reliable information we have on any controversial issues (e.g. BHC, Berkeley, work permit renewals, NDC, government spending, Auditor's report, voter registration, Caricom, Cuban agreements) was not released officially by government.

One fact remains: Bermudians are more intelligent than the Government gives them credit for. Does the Government really believe they have delivered on their election promises? (Page 1, same edition).



July 6, 2003

Dear Sir,

I felt compelled to respond to the letter “PLP has learned nothing” written by For a Breath of Fresh Air of July 4th, 2003. Mr. or Ms “Breath of Fresh Air”, if you have the conviction to state categorically such nonsense about the PLP, why don't you state your real name?

This was the rule of thumb under “the great political machine”; the UBP “of your father's day” when people who feared financial retaliation for speaking out used pen names or didn't speak at all. Fear not, you will not suffer such demise under our current government! It's a new day now and you are free to voice your concerns as loud as you want; that to me is “A Breath of Fresh Air”.

Our sense of community and fairness starts at home first! Community centres, places of worship and faith in God will also rectify many of the concerns you raise, not the government. You accuse the PLP of dividing the community racially! I don't know what island you've have been living on “Fresh Air” but Bermuda has been racially divided long before 1998. Every step made at integration has never been supported by whites. Trust me; I was witness to this in 1970 at Ord Road School when we integrated with Warwick Academy Primary. After only one week white kids left the new Paget Primary School system in numbers.

The same can be said with the integration of the Cricket Leagues. I also know that the PLP, the BIU, the BWA and all of the grassroots organisations created over the years to stamp out injustice and inequity have never been supported by whites in any significant numbers. So tell me who has divided this island racially? Please don't undermine people's intelligence and integrity by making unsubstantiated statements like you've made.

No intelligent thinking person has expected the PLP to be the saviour of black Bermudians in one term. Given time hopefully everyone will benefit from a PLP government. Interestingly, your “new” UBP have made many promises; the very things that they failed to do, refused to do or perhaps did not know how to do. Our government is young and learning fast, but don't tell me that they are incompetent. I believe that in only one term in government the PLP have done well.

If you want to compare 4? years to 35 years of governance let me refresh your memory on a few issues from “the UBP, the great political machine of your father's day”; the closing of the Technical Institute; 30 UBP years gave us a National Field; 4? PLP years and we see a real National Sports Centre. Why “Fresh Air” did it take a PLP government to establish a Long Term Residents policy, introduce fixed limits on work permits and attempt to repair our festering transportation problems?

Just yesterday, a “new” UBP candidate proposed to dismantle the jury system in favour of a panel of judges! I have never heard of such. This would be stepping backwards to the days when an all white jury did what they wanted to do with black defendants and were called a jury of their peers! Thinking like this would ensure a more racially divided society; Justice would truly become JUST US. Additionally, your party would like to see the banishment of a politically appointed Attorney General.

We are moving forward, not backward. Most member states of the Commonwealth employ this measure today. And you're telling us that the PLP is incompetent and hasn't learned anything. “Fresh Air”, your party was “truly given a chance”; over 35 years to be exact, and if you take into account the parties roots, we can go back a lot longer.

If you can't think of any “major or minor thing (s) that the PLP has done over the past 4? years, let me help you out:

1. Bermuda's first Employment Act (finally we have come out of the dark ages).

2. Single seat constituencies; One man, one vote of equal value (Good riddance to the old gerrymandered constituencies given to us by “the UBP of your father's day”.

3. Long term residents policy.

4. Enhanced HIP plan for seniors.

I could continue, but space does not allow. Yes, we will “decide how we want to live and under what kind of government”, and the “bogeyman tactics” and rhetoric that have been used in the past and presently by your party and that you use in your letter are confirmation that we cannot afford and will not go backwards anymore. July 24th, 2003 will be Reaffirmation Day!

Glenn A. Simons
