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Letters to the Editor, September 30, 2004

Just wondering what all the talk about tourism numbers increasing is all about? We are trying desperately to get more visitors and now we are taking the attitude that a cruise ship passenger is better than no visitors at all. OK, so we get an extra ten thousand visitors, and how does the government plan to keep these people entertained? We need something for them to do once they get here so they return home and tell their friends what a great time they had right? OK so that is figured out, the question I have is: why doesn?t Works and Engineering get in line with tourism and fix our beaches?

Time to fix the beaches

September 25, 2004

Dear Sir,

Just wondering what all the talk about tourism numbers increasing is all about? We are trying desperately to get more visitors and now we are taking the attitude that a cruise ship passenger is better than no visitors at all. OK, so we get an extra ten thousand visitors, and how does the government plan to keep these people entertained? We need something for them to do once they get here so they return home and tell their friends what a great time they had right? OK so that is figured out, the question I have is: why doesn?t Works and Engineering get in line with tourism and fix our beaches?

Church bay has gone without proper access all summer and that is a shame. Visitors have been led to believe that they will have fun here ... where? Snorkelling is a simple and easy thing for them to do that doesn?t require much expense or hassle and yet we do nothing to repair access to this particular location. Seems like such a shame that is all. Lets waste some more money on all the mega-projects. Where does the government think the money is coming from? (Donations from the philanthropists?)

I was willing to put effort towards providing temporary access to the beach myself this season but has been left to the infamous W&E, who, upon observation, are not known for speed, to do the reconstructive access work to the beach sometime in the future. At the end of this tourist season we are thinking about next year and ?tongue in cheek? we are thinking that the beach access will not be ready then either. What a shame, priorities being what they are. Wonder if they have heard about subcontracting at W&E?



Looking for Lloyd

September 28, 2004

Dear sir,

After reading your letter, Annie about your missing loved one Maud, my heart went out to you, and my kindest wishes and prayers for your family and Maud during this heartbreaking time.

Loving pet owners know how adored and wonderful animal companions can be as members of the family, and when something happens to rob us of this precious and rewarding relationship, it tears something from our very souls. Over three years ago, I made the move to Bermuda with my two dogs, and Lloyd, a grey Persian cat.

A month after our arrival, Lloyd went missing and I became ill with worry. Extensive distribution of leaflets in supermarkets, company bulletin boards, veterinary hospitals and even letterboxes turned up no news of his whereabouts. I miss him terribly, as he used to enjoy keeping me company as I did my gardening.

To this day I often still feel a deep malaise, wondering what happened to him. Although it has been a long time since I?ve seen my Lloydie, I continue to hope that he is still living on the island, and that someone may be caring for him, as he was a gorgeous cat, with an endearing personality. I would be very grateful for any news at all about Lloyd. Please make contact: moxenhamapplebyglobal.com, or telephone 296-1132.


Victoria Street

Advice for ?Idol? producers

September 22, 2004

Dear Sir,

American Idol came on regular cable yet, Bermuda Idol is on pay-per-view why, is that since Fresh TV could easily show that live? It makes you wonder why Bermuda Idol couldn?t be like American Idol a TV show, on Wednesday nights from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m per week. Also, why it couldn?t be like the regular show where there were three judges(one black,one female/one obnoxious).

Bermuda Idol should?ve been like this:

1. Three professional people who?ll judge the participants (up to about 30). Also, broadcast on local TV(Fresh TV)

2. The first show shows what each singer has to endure(solo acts/group acts) just to see whether he/she are truly ready for the next level.

3. The next show shows who got eliminated from the voting from the audience or from people calling in to HOTT 107.5.

4. Each judge will have their own voting and make comments about the singing.

5. The show will start to get HOTT when the final 15 remain.

6. There will even be little parts showing the remaining participants in a music sketch together singing a song selected(show different scenes of Bermuda).

7. When the final 5 Show comes on the participants will definitely have to ?hype? up the audience on TV or at home watching to really prove,they?re good enough to make it to the Final episode:The Bermuda Idol Special featuring the final 2 participants (also note that Ruth Seaton James should probably be used for each singer).

8. Winner goes on to NO I.D. for a record deal.



Can good come from crisis?

September 23, 2004

Dear Sir,

How can the Government say they?re ?honourable? if they?re dishonourable in dealing with this Pro-Active crisis? I guess it shows no matter which human is in charge, problems will arise, though for the workers? sake, I hope that they will still receive sick pay as well as, vacation time pay. BIU might be going bankrupt? How? Why? Hopefully something good comes out of this.

