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More local television

It is almost impossible to argue with anyone who wants to put more local content on local television, seems to have a viable plan for how to do it and a proven track record.

That, essentially is what Fresh Creations, owned by Elmore Warren, plans to do with its new channel, which has been given a year's free use of the Government cable channel.

Mr. Warren has shown he can produce television shows of good quality that attract local viewers. And he has also shown that he is willing to invest in his product and train Bermudians in the field.

At the same time, it is hard not to feel some sympathy for the Island's "free" broadcast stations, Bermuda Broadcasting and DeFontes, which have faced severe challenges over the past decade while employing and training Bermudians as well.

Because they are free stations that broadcast their content as opposed to piping it through a cable system, they face higher production costs than cable channels at a time when the advertising market for all forms of media is relatively static.

So they have some cause to ask why it is that Fresh Creations is getting a free ride for a year on the Government cable channel when they have to pay for their licences and to get their programming on the air.

Telecommunications Minister Renee Webb has said Fresh Creations will only get the channel free for a year, and thereafter will pay the same licence fee as the other stations.

There should be some concern that Government is giving away its channel to a private company. Generally speaking, Channel Three in most places is used for free access for ordinary people.

To be sure, ten minutes a day has been allocated for community broadcasts, but that is not much. Nonetheless, there should be some form of individual access mandated in the Fresh Creations contract to enable people to gain access to the airwaves.

In addition, it would seem reasonable that if Government is going to allow "its" channel to be used by private enterprise, then it should put the channel out to tender for open bidding.

Still, Bermuda needs more and higher quality local programming, and if Mr. Warren can provide it, then everyone benefits.