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Ms Smith deserves our thanks

The Honourable Jennifer Smith is the only person in the world who can claim to have lead the Progressive Labour Party which had been in opposition here for over 30 years, to victory in 1998 and 2003. In 1998 under the mischievous gerrymandered boundary system in 2003 under the single seat system which the PLP fought hard to establish, to its credit.

August 4, 2003

Dear Sir,

The Honourable Jennifer Smith is the only person in the world who can claim to have lead the Progressive Labour Party which had been in opposition here for over 30 years, to victory in 1998 and 2003. In 1998 under the mischievous gerrymandered boundary system in 2003 under the single seat system which the PLP fought hard to establish, to its credit.

Ms Smith lost no time marshalling the PLP into a governing party effectively despite doubts and innuendo . Fortunately the governing UBP was found to be rudderless in 1998 after the Honourable Sir John Swan dumped them over the independence dispute. It was not seen at the time but he dumped them right into opposition.

I wonder at times what the status of the late Honourable Fred Wade at this juncture. Would he now be called to this or that or not this or that enough by many.

I appreciate being Premier of Bermuda today is no small task. Early this year I had a letter published congratulating Ms Smith on her stamina among other attributes. I heartily congratulate her again hoping she is in receipt of the respect, honour forgiveness and love she deserves.

For openers I thank her government for the improvement in our economy and our twice a week garbage collection.

I certainly congratulate our new Premier, Mr. Scott and wish him and his associate well.

