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No sound reasoning

This is f***ing great, this is. Now a Magistrate says it is perfectly fine to use this swearword in public ? and why? ? because Police use it, Magistrates use it, friends use it!For crying out loud, what kind of reasoning is this? You know what? It is fact that Police have killed people; friends have killed people ? and each other ? and I am sure even a Magistrate has been found guilty of killing. Does that make murder "right"?

August 4, 2004

Dear Sir,

This is f***ing great, this is. Now a Magistrate says it is perfectly fine to use this swearword in public ? and why? ? because Police use it, Magistrates use it, friends use it!

For crying out loud, what kind of reasoning is this? You know what? It is fact that Police have killed people; friends have killed people ? and each other ? and I am sure even a Magistrate has been found guilty of killing. Does that make murder "right"?

Want to take it further? Child molesting; in the sad history of mankind, a Magistrate has been known to indulge; certainly a policeman or two have been found guilty of doing it. "Friends" do it too, and relatives do it ? so, according to this line of reasoning, because such 'respectable' people do it, it should not be ruled offensive or an offensive?

And we wonder why our society is going to the dogs? We wonder why there is no respect amongst ourselves any more? Why the standards and quality of life seem to drop with every passing year? Next time I go before this Magistrate, I cant wait to tell him he better not "f*** with me". Hey, he says it's OK!