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Outraged by Christian ?bigotry?

We?d like to address the mentality of the talk-radio Christian who recently espoused the notion that the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster was a comeuppance for all those lost heathen savages.We?re really impressed by this blazing example of Christian compassion. Indeed ? by their actions you shall know them. Religious belief has been used since the dawn of time to excuse all kinds of egotistical bad behaviour as ?God?s will? - otherwise known as taking the Lord?s name in vain.

January 11, 2004

Dear Sir,

We?d like to address the mentality of the talk-radio Christian who recently espoused the notion that the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster was a comeuppance for all those lost heathen savages.

We?re really impressed by this blazing example of Christian compassion. Indeed ? by their actions you shall know them. Religious belief has been used since the dawn of time to excuse all kinds of egotistical bad behaviour as ?God?s will? - otherwise known as taking the Lord?s name in vain.

In Bermuda we are particularly adept at using Christian respectability to avoid personal responsibility, proudly holding on to our hurt and victim status (of all kinds) and carefully nurturing a seething mass of xenophobia, intolerance, prejudice, racism and hatred. It comes out in half-talk, tangential conversation, a knowing glance or raised eyebrow, an inflection of the voice, never quite saying, ?You know what I mean.? The sanctimoniously ?saved? are particularly good at it ? both black and white. Then there?s that enormously satisfying, righteous, pious pity that swells towards those outside the club .

All those tiny little helpless heathen babies and children were actually lucky to drown choking in so much water since now they?re all screaming and roasting in Hell. And all those people rushing to give aid? For what? Just because they?re fellow human beings? They don?t look like us, they probably don?t even feel pain the way we do. We should just leave ?em alone and concentrate on what?s really important. Building bigger churches and grooming the Middle East for Armageddon. Christ is coming.

We want to make sure He?s impressed. Lack of compassion is the root of all pain and suffering in this world.

Where?s yours?