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PLP: Five more years!

It is with great anticipation, that I, a staunch PLP supporter, await this year's election. I stand confident of victory. Why? Simply because I believe in the Bermudian people and that in their intelligence and rationality they will re-elect a government which has shown capability and integrity in their running of our Island.

June 19, 2003

Dear Sir,

It is with great anticipation, that I, a staunch PLP supporter, await this year's election. I stand confident of victory. Why? Simply because I believe in the Bermudian people and that in their intelligence and rationality they will re-elect a government which has shown capability and integrity in their running of our Island.

This evening I watched an interview with the Premier, Jennifer M. Smith, on ZBM television. I was highly impressed. This was not the first time I have ever heard Madam Premier speak. This, however, was definitely the most impressive. I have always felt that she was an intelligent, charismatic person, despite the criticisms from a vocal few. In this interview, Madam Premier presented herself with great articulation, with great character, with comedy, with spunk and with honesty. Anyone watching this interview should have been duly impressed.

There is always the question, “What has the PLP done while in power?” Well… Madam Premier certainly answered that question. I personally believe that many of the electorate wanted or expected immediate change and that their personal lives would automatically be bettered because of the change in government.

To have believed or expected that was ridiculous. To some of these people I would say that you have to better yourself.

A government cannot legislate that your lives become better. Your lives are built on decisions you have made and therefore you live accordingly.

They have made improvements on the education system by limiting class sizes in the formative years, and are moving towards requiring teachers to be licensed. The Opposition says it will repair the education system. Is this not the same Opposition United Bermuda Party that created the mess we are in now? They did not care then because all of their children were in the private sector (and still are).

The PLP Government has introduced new flights, began new campaigns, and tried to better the tourism industry.

Everyone knows that this industry is struggling… again an inherited problem. All of a sudden the Shadow Minister of Tourism David Dodwell has the answers. I am sorry… was he not the Minister in the last UBP Government? Did he not have his chance? And, also, does he not own a hotel in Nevis? So as the Minister of Tourism, can we really be sure he was encouraging visitors to Bermuda or Nevis?

The PLP Government has whipped the Bermuda Housing Corporation into shape courtesy of the Colonel! It may have taken a crisis to realise the extent of the problem, but, oh, how he has responded since becoming the Minister of Housing.

This man deserves a seat in the House, and not as a Senator either. I don't care what constituency he runs in, I hope the electorate is savvy enough to realise his value to the government and what he can contribute. Bring back the Burch!

I realise that I have just touched on a few issues but I also realise that space in your column is limited. In closing I will say this.

The doomsday predicted by the UBP has not happened.

The exodus of the international companies has been the absolute opposite. The devaluation of the Bermuda dollar has not happened. Bermuda is in a good place, despite what the UBP community may want to believe.

The UBP may consider themselves a new party. Good! They needed to regroup and start again. But they are nowhere near as capable as the present government. The Progressive Labour Party deserve re-election hands down!

As an end note, if members of the public think things are so bad under the PLP Government, and the UBP just happens to get back in… Now, that's a very scary thought!


Pembroke West