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Quiet week in port

Shipping movement over the holidays decreased just in time for Christmas.The <I>Oleander</I> arrived in Bermuda on Sunday and will be spending Christmas in port, departing on New Year's Eve. She brought with her gifts of 94 dry containers and 24 reefer containers, making for a total of 118 containers.

Shipping movement over the holidays decreased just in time for Christmas.

The Oleander arrived in Bermuda on Sunday and will be spending Christmas in port, departing on New Year's Eve. She brought with her gifts of 94 dry containers and 24 reefer containers, making for a total of 118 containers.

She was also carrying ten cars, one van, four road trailers with steel, one boat trailer and one mafi with general cargo. No other ships have arrived on the Island this week. The Somers Isles will be departing on December 27, and the next ship expected to arrive at Bermuda is the Bermuda Islander, just in time for the New Year's Eve celebrations.