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Recalling Hubert Smith

I could not let the passing from the scene of the great ? Mr. Hubert Smith go without comment. Since my two older brothers, now passed, preceded me as ? dance band musicians by several years along with Mr. Smith. I always knew what was happening on the music scene. Through him coming to my house to see my brothers I got to know him well while I was a school boy. All my family liked him.

December 5, 2001

Dear Sir,

I could not let the passing from the scene of the great ? Mr. Hubert Smith go without comment. Since my two older brothers, now passed, preceded me as ? dance band musicians by several years along with Mr. Smith. I always knew what was happening on the music scene. Through him coming to my house to see my brothers I got to know him well while I was a school boy. All my family liked him.

It was interesting that Hubert was the guitarist and vocalist and my brother was the drummer in Mr. Kenny Iris' big band when I met him and many years latter Kenny was the pianist in Hubert's group.

There was quite an upheaval in dance music after the Second World War was over for Bermudian musicians as calypso music was emphasised for certain musicians in the same hotels that had hired them to play to regular American dance music before and during the war. Foreigners were bought in to do that.

Hubert, seeing this, quickly adapted and moved on making a name for himself. He was joined by former dance band musicians Albert Fox on bass fiddle, Flo Bell recently passed on piano in the beginning, Charlie Butterfield on drums. After many years some Bermudian bands were hired back in the hotels to again to play the American dance music.

Hubert and Dale Butter MP organised annual performers appreciation events. I was happy that my two older brothers who had retired after many years entertaining all over Bermuda and advising me were among those who were honoured. To his family "He was a great all-rounder". My family's condolences.

