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Sabotaged by foreigners

I am in total agreement with the 'Observer, Southampton "appearing in the Royal Gazette on December 4th.Foreigners, do have too much control. You actually have employers in the Hotels, Restaurants and Private industries who are secretly encouraging the foreigners to stay on. These jobs I speak about are not key positions. Bus boys? Housekeepers? Waitress/Waiters? Dishwasher Porters? Gardeners? etc.

December 15, 2001

Dear Sir,

I am in total agreement with the 'Observer, Southampton "appearing in the Royal Gazette on December 4th.

Foreigners, do have too much control. You actually have employers in the Hotels, Restaurants and Private industries who are secretly encouraging the foreigners to stay on. These jobs I speak about are not key positions. Bus boys? Housekeepers? Waitress/Waiters? Dishwasher Porters? Gardeners? etc.

There are places where the Bermudians are not aware that the jobs they are waiting on will not be available, due to this practice. The foreigners are actually given time to think about if they should stay or not. The reason that the employer begs the foreigners to stay is because they will do anything beyond the call of duty for next to nothing!!

Bermudians are not lazy. They just do what the job entails. Unless they have an employer who respects them and gives them a proper wage. Foreigners have done a good job sabotaging the Bermudians by doing things on the job that don't come under their job description. Of course we will appear to be lazy. If you wanted me to clean the windows and I also decided to paint the woodwork, of course, you will choose me as oppose to the person who cleans just the windows. The employer should not allow the foreign worker to operate that way. Do only what is asked of you in respect to the position. And maybe they will have a job available to someone else. A Bermudian perhaps.

