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Police issued more than 200 tickets this weekend for traffic offences, including six people who were clocked at more than 100 kph.

No one can complain that they were not warned; the Police, accompanied by officials from the Road Safety Council, said they were going to start cracking down at a press conference last week.

Apparently, no one was listening but the crackdown itself should start to get some attention.

Bermuda has a speed limit but it is barely enforced, and it is likely that the Police only stopped those people this weekend who were exceeding 50 kph - well above the "official" limit.

Still, the whole community should support this crackdown. Last weekend there were more than 40 accidents and there were a further 21 this weekend. It is only a miracle that more people have not been killed in road accidents this year.

But if the tickets issued this weeekend and in the future are the stick (assuming that they are paid, but that's another story), then there has to be some persuasion as well.

A public awareness campaign featuring people seriously injured as a result of speeding and poor driving telling their stories would be the most effective way to get drivers to obey the law.