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Support for objector

Please allow me space in your newspaper to answer a simple question on why some young Bermudian men do not wish to join the Bermuda Regiment these days.After seeing a young recruit being humiliated on the front page of your newspaper by two senior Regiment officers for being late, I would not wish for my son to be subjected to this.

January 28, 2002

Dear Sir,

Please allow me space in your newspaper to answer a simple question on why some young Bermudian men do not wish to join the Bermuda Regiment these days.

After seeing a young recruit being humiliated on the front page of your newspaper by two senior Regiment officers for being late, I would not wish for my son to be subjected to this.

I have been reading of how outdated the conscription of men reaching the age of 18 is by forcing men to join. What is this? Their punishment for turning 18? To be subjected to senior officers shouting into their faces? Until the law is changed, why can't the soldiers be treated in a more dignified manner. Make the Regiment an institution where young men would knock down the doors to join. Offer benefits that can attract them to learn useful skills. Instead, it seems as though the Regiment is trying to break a person before they even get to know them. Boot Camp for out of control teens is what that sort of behaviour would be more beneficial for.

Magnus Henagulph, you have my support. Stand up for your rights! Mr. Attride Sterling did and won.

