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Take a trip into the deep blue

Bermuda’s Underwater Exploration Institute is a good place to discover more about the world around the Island. Here, the BUEI’s Crystal Shultz takes us on a ‘guided tour’ of the centre.

“I love the ocean and all its mysteries, BUEI and its mission (to advance the understanding, appreciation, and knowledge of all that exists beneath the ocean and to encourage the protection and preservation of the marine environment), and teaching children about the ocean in a fun, hands-on way.

“In starting from scratch, it’s a challenge and gives me the ability to be creative and explore new ways to reach children. I enjoy developing educational activities that would assist other educators in terms of enhancing or reinforcing their curricula needs as well as excite and motivate the kids and teachers at the same time. I love to see the enthusiasm of the children when they are having fun learning.

“I’m hoping that I can reach kids in motivating them to have hobbies or interests in the ocean and that science can be fun. What motivates me, is all the above and that BUEI is an exciting place with unlimited educational potential. As the saying goes, “where the land ends, exploration begins” so for me at BUEI, the ocean, not the sky, is the limit!”

BUEI is a very stimulating place to work, from its exhibits to its world renowned International Advisors, you feel that you are on the cutting edge of ocean research. More specifically, there are two parts that I like most at BUEI, that I have the ability to be creative and develop new programs from scratch and then I get to see the reward of children involved in fun learning with their smiles, and light bulbs going off above their heads!

“I want BUEI to be a respected and beloved utilisable resource for the community and for other educational facilities. Whether its for educational camps, after-school programmes, enhancement classes, senior citizen or family activities, or just plain a fun day at BUEI doing an exhibit scavenger hunt or game, BUEI has only just begun. I see BUEI outreaching extensively into all sectors of the community. The possibilities are endless.

What are the top 3 questions that tourists ask you at BUEI?

“Do you know the famous shipwreck, treasure diver Teddy Tucker?

What causes the Bermuda Triangle?

Why do you not find many shells on the South Shore beaches?”

Tourists love islands, beaches and tend to find the ocean a mysterious, intriguing place. BUEI provides the visitor with an exciting venue of ocean exploration that enlightens them about our beautiful waters without getting wet. Through exhibits and movies ranging from Bermuda’s geological history, seashells, ocean phenomena, creatures of the deep, to treasure and shipwrecks as well as Beebe’s bathysphere dives that put Bermuda on the world map of deep-ocean exploration, BUEI offers answers and excitement. Not only do tourists leave with a better idea of the wonders of our waters but also many are inspired to take up diving here in Bermuda or express a wish to come back!”

Tourists and visitors respond very positively to BUEI. From the comments they make, they find it to be very interesting, informative, and fun. They remark on how they want to tell their friends about BUEI and that it is definitely a `must see’ in Bermuda

I have travelled a lot and I have found that Bermuda is truly ‘another world’. Bermudians are some of the nicest and friendliest people on earth. The island is just a short hop from the States and is spectacular with all its flowers, beautiful pink beaches and its surrounding azure seas. It has so much to offer and we at BUEI try to get that across to the tourist, especially when it comes to our waters and beaches! With friendly smiles, we live and breathe our motto: “Where the land ends, exploration begins!”