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The more things change

And yet another great example of the fine improvements that the PLP is making. Dr. Brown has ‘improved’ things by ‘allowing you to pay your fare’ on the ferry.Only problem is that they won’t make change. So now we find visitors who have already had our unfriendly welcome by Immigration/Customs at the airport, walking up and down Harbour Road in Paget and Warwick looking for somewhere to get change.

February 26, 2002

Dear Sir,

And yet another great example of the fine improvements that the PLP is making. Dr. Brown has ‘improved’ things by ‘allowing you to pay your fare’ on the ferry.

Only problem is that they won’t make change. So now we find visitors who have already had our unfriendly welcome by Immigration/Customs at the airport, walking up and down Harbour Road in Paget and Warwick looking for somewhere to get change.

Great going Dr. Brown. That’s really thinking ahead!The following was sent to the Director of Tourism, and copied to .

Dear Sir,

Re: Garbage at Darrell’s Wharf

I wrote last June about the disgusting appearance of Darrell’s Wharf in Warwick and the need for a more suitable garbage disposal system at the dock and for the residents of Hinson’s Island.

Your reply of July 6 indicated that you were referring the matter to the Permanent Secretary for Works and Engineering and would provide me with a progress report on the matter “in due course”.

I have not heard any further from you or the Permanent Secretary for Works and Engineering and have not visited the Island since then to check first-hand on what action has been taken to ensure that the problem has been rectified (I trust that the specific eyesore has long ago been removed!). I am, therefore, wondering where the matter sits?

As I noted in my June 27, 2001 letter, the sight was a disgusting impression to leave with Bermuda visitors and residents alike.

Bermuda’s tourism is suffering. Many factors are to blame, some beyond your control, but the provision of adequate garbage disposal facilities and the monitoring of garbage dumping are well with your control and would go along way towards presenting the Island in a favourable light.

I would appreciate knowing what action has been taken to resolve this problem.