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Tyaisha's legacy

It is a truism that one death on Bermuda's roads is too many.But the tragedy of Tyaisha Cox's death as she was crossing the road after getting off a bus brings home the sheer waste of life that happens all too often in Bermuda.

It is a truism that one death on Bermuda's roads is too many.

But the tragedy of Tyaisha Cox's death as she was crossing the road after getting off a bus brings home the sheer waste of life that happens all too often in Bermuda.

That she was just six years old and was doing precisely what she was supposed to do in using the crosswalk with the bus waiting for her to go makes this tragedy all the worse.

The only solace is that her parents have decided to donate her organs, meaning that somewhere, other small children will have a chance to live. Her parents, in their terrible grief, deserve the entire Island's praise for that decision.

The case remains under investigation and it will be some time before all the facts are known. Certainly it is far too early to apportion blame and it would appear that the driver of the car that was in collision with Tyaisha is genuinely remorseful.

But leaving the case aside, it remains a minor miracle that the death toll on Bermuda's roads this year has only reached six.

Careless and dangerous driving remain all too common and it would appear that appeals to common sense are falling on deaf ears.

Given that, it's time for the Police to get out in force to enforce the rules of the road. And those people who might complain about it should take a look at the picture of Tyaisha - "a precious angel" before setting off.

If there were no more road deaths this year, then that would be a fitting legacy for this child, who has been torn from her parents and brother at such a young age.

It is also worth remembering that four of the people, including Tyaisha, who have died on the roads so far this year, were 22 or younger.

We hear a lot about how young people "are the future". Bermuda cannot afford to waste any more of its future.