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I am here in West Chester, Pennsylvania reading yet another article "Occupancy Rates Drop, but hopes up for 2006" (; December 19, 2005). It is rather astonishing that many seem to want to place blame on the hurricanes and an assortment of other world ailments and yet few want to look dead ahead at the most prevalent causes of tourism's decline.

Get it fixed in 2006!

December 19, 2005

Dear Sir,

I am here in West Chester, Pennsylvania reading yet another article "Occupancy Rates Drop, but hopes up for 2006" (; December 19, 2005). It is rather astonishing that many seem to want to place blame on the hurricanes and an assortment of other world ailments and yet few want to look dead ahead at the most prevalent causes of tourism's decline.

Bermuda has to get back to offering real true honest value for the travel dollar . The traveller today has many options and for Bermuda to be continually included in that mix of options it must place priority in offering good value.

Exorbitant airfares and hotel costs, sub-par quality accommodations, and severely spiked crime-rates all contribute to what has happened ? not the hurricanes and surely not any loss of beauty on the Island. The wonderful beaches are still there, the awesome vistas are omnipresent, and the Bermuda hospitality is there and although some of the shopping venues are lighter they will again surface newer and better.

What has to happen is the powers within must step back and take a long hard look at where they were, where they have gone, and where they want to be ... and quickly realise that it is all about destination value. DisneyWorld in Florida deals with hurricanes time and again every year. They don't place blame, they attack it head on and plan.

After 18 visits since 1986, I find it very frustrating to see so much time spent on details that render no fix. Maintain reasonable airfares, require hotels and accommodations providers to upgrade to Bermuda-class facilities , and attack the crime problems head on and the beauty and charm of your Island and its wonderful people will be your ambassadors to returned levels of toursim and the profits that go with it.

Go for a Fix in 2006 ! Make it Bermuda-ful