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My husband and I, and on occasion our son, have been vacationing in Bermuda since 1976. We are coming down at the end of August for our 15th visit. It would take more than one horrendous event such as you've just had to ruin what was and is THE most beautiful vacation spot on earth. It is the people who make Bermuda what it is ... it is what draws us back. It is sad to see this type of crime hit your island ... but to abandon a vacation retreat such as yours is a bigger crime to the huge majority of Bermudians who are the warm, welcoming people we have come to know.

We won't be put off

August 7, 2006

Dear Sir,

My husband and I, and on occasion our son, have been vacationing in Bermuda since 1976. We are coming down at the end of August for our 15th visit. It would take more than one horrendous event such as you've just had to ruin what was and is THE most beautiful vacation spot on earth. It is the people who make Bermuda what it is ... it is what draws us back. It is sad to see this type of crime hit your island ... but to abandon a vacation retreat such as yours is a bigger crime to the huge majority of Bermudians who are the warm, welcoming people we have come to know.



Crack down on crime

August 2, 2006

Dear Sir,

I have visited your great island seven times in the past 35 years. It is the most beautiful place I have ever travelled to. The Bermudians are the "icing on the cake", with their positive outlook on any thing you choose to discuss.

Six years ago, my wife and I were victim to a robbery in our hotel room while we sleeping in a very prominent Hamilton hotel. That never deterred me about Bermuda. I blamed it on one too many swizzles. The recent crime developments have me a little concerned however. People are people no matter what colour or country you are in.

However Bermuda has an advantage that most countries do not have and that is the size of the country and the people. This recent gang related activity needs to be put down immediately. There is no place to hide on Bermuda and you should be able to round them up and put them away. We always read that Bermuda relies on tourism, well I for one rely on Bermuda for the people, your island, and a great time.

