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Youngsters turn on the magic

FIVE young magicians will show the breadth of their talent with a live performance at The Annex in Hamilton tomorrow.

Kylisha Julio, Llewellyn Simons, Susannah Shane, Andy Minton and Roger Moniz will show their skills in a free concert held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Phoenix Stores.

The youngsters were selected from 35 students who attended a workshop held by the group, Bermuda Magic, this summer. According to the group's founder, O'Brien Roberts, the show should not only provide good entertainment for the public, but will also be good practice for the youngsters who will next year perform before hundreds at the annual Magic Fest at City Hall.

"The show at The Annex gives the youngsters an ideal opportunity to showcase their talents," he said. "Bermuda Magic gives youngsters who have developed talents and interests in non-traditional art forms, a chance to display them and share them with others. It also gives them good practice for the bigger show next March."

For the last eight years, Mr. Roberts has been a pioneer in magic on the island. He has co-produced five local shows and was encouraged to create a magic workshop by the Department of Cultural Affairs last year.

The workshops - taught by world-class musicians such as Victor Cephas and Ken McCreedy - have been well received.

"I've wanted to be a magician ever since I saw an eight year old produce a bunny and I wanted to be better than him," said 12-year-old Andy. "I like the look on people's faces when you amaze them."

Interested practising magicians and beginners can attend the Magic Club, a monthly meeting presented by magician Mike Bishop, held in the lecture hall of the Youth Library. Tomorrow's performance at The Annex on Reid Street, begins at 2.30 p.m.