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Career choices

First of all I would like to say that if individuals choose politics as a long-term career, then before they embark on such a career they should make sure that they have the country's interest at heart and indeed also the people's interest at heart.

July 5, 2002

Dear Sir,

First of all I would like to say that if individuals choose politics as a long-term career, then before they embark on such a career they should make sure that they have the country’s interest at heart and indeed also the people’s interest at heart.

There is no point in choosing this career unless these individuals are dedicated to these fundamentals.

Having made this decision to enter the political arena, they have a duty to ensure that they respond to the people in a timely manner and that the civil servants also respond in a timely manner.

If this is not being done, politicians are basically not doing their job and should be removed from political office.

Now it seems that some current politicians and indeed some previous politicians have or had entered politics for reasons other than serving the Country efficiently.

When projects are behind schedule, documents are not returned in a timely manner, decisions are not forthcoming in a timely manner; this delinquent process is clearly affecting people’s livelihoods and indeed the overall economy of the Country.

There is no excuse for schedules and decisions being constantly months and even years overdue.

This is unacceptable practice and those who are presently doing it, clearly do not have the Country’s interest at heart and should be held accountable and ultimately removed from office.

Respect from the people comes from serving the people well, not the other way round.

In private business if you don’t produce, you don’t stay in business, why would any politician think differently when serving the public?

