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Letters to the Editor

Pembroke's got enoughNovember 18, 2007Dear Sir,

Pembroke's got enough

November 18, 2007

Dear Sir,

This is about Belco's new plan for two more power stations. I already live in Belco's smoke. I am an asthmatic & I have a child that is asthmatic. There have been times that I have thought of selling my house, for health reasons. A few years back, during the Belco fire, I had to have my family evacuated from my house due to the smoke. That small fire took out the electricity for the whole country. What sort of Disaster Recovery plan does Belco have?

If someone wanted to ruin Bermuda, all they would need do is attack Belco in Pembroke. They have all their eggs in one basket. Why doesn't Government force them to have a second site? A second site that is not next to the current one. They could revamp the old power generating station at Southside that the US military had. Pembroke doesn't need or want anymore power stations. We have enough.



Don't go back

November 11, 2007

Dear Sir,

Dr. Brown's ranting on about the United Bermuda Party "taking us back" flies in the face of what he is actually doing and recommending. That he is in favour of a racially divided Bermuda is clear! His bitter, vitriolic, angry banquet speech leaves no doubt that his agenda is to have the PLP take the country back to a divided Bermuda as in the old days. Three generations ago when I was a little girl, there was segregation. Now, 60 years later, many of my best friends are black or of mixed descent.

Our children's' friends are black or of mixed descent, and this generation is confidently marrying into different racial groups! Now that is what I call making progress! Three generations have seen amazing changes, and we are witnessing with sadness and bewilderment, as Dr. Brown carries out his agenda, the tearing down of this progress to serve his own interest.

The name United Bermuda Party is just what the Party is all about: going forward together, united to solve the problems that confront us. We should not be "going back" to the racial divisions of the past, but that is exactly what Dr. Brown is counting on. Going "back" to divide and conquer! Let's go forward with a Party that represents Unity for Bermuda and embraces all colours.



Shouldn't we want justice?

November 10, 2007

Dear Sir,

Mr. William Cox (Royal Gazette, November 9) is probably a very bright man as well as a very privileged one. How would Mr. Cox suggest that this country, not just this Government, address the long term impact of injustices inflicted on those of us who were denied opportunities because we were regarded as so inferior that we were not allowed to even associate with whites like him?

It is true that since it was very arbitrary rather than Constitutional there was no reason to define exactly which of us would be exploited, in fact, occasionally, one out of a family might be fair enough to even "pass".

Mr. Cox, how do we bring justice to the black community (no matter how it is now defined) now that we have a Constitution for injustices inflicted on us when we did not have a Constitution – or do you still believe that we are so inherently, intellectually and morally inferior to you that it is absurd for us to even think about such a high ideal as justice?


Hamilton Parish

I will not be fooled again

November 19, 2007

Dear Sir,

What is with this Rendol James character and his continued racially charged tirades in the newspaper on November 19? He reminds me of LaVerne Furbert. The Royal Gazette should be ashamed to give Mr Rendol James a venue to spit his venom and filth. I guess he is taking a page out of Dr Brown's book of talking absolute nonsense the closer election day comes? It is pure rot.

In my limited experience of the UBP I have been impressed with their vision. I don't accept the hyperbole of racial division in this island that the PLP seems to want us believe exists. In my respectful view it is time for a change. As a Constituency Ten voter I have met Mr Dunkley three times and each time he has been genuine and sincere. He is white. I am black. Not once have I felt that he was trying to deceive me. However, PLP reps who come around try and tell me that only a black person can represent a black person. That is racist and I want no part of it! I will not be fooled again. PLP you are gone!



Barritt responds to Burch

November 19, 2007

Dear Sir,

I have but one comment in respect of the comment of Minister Col. Burch as quoted in The Royal Gazette today.

People in Bermuda must be asking themselves this: If no one is above the law, given all that we have read to date concerning the Bermuda Housing Corporation and the allegations concerning public property and public funds, why was it that Cabinet ministers were not even questioned by the Police – not whether they were arrested or detained, but why they were not even questioned in the face of some very serious allegations?



Writer fuelled the divide

November 19, 2007

Dear Sir,

Please allow me space in your newspaper to respond to Michelle Clamens letter "Bring back our old ways" dated November 9. In her letter, Ms. Clamens mentions that she was almost knocked off her feet by "two business people (non-Bermudian)". I am curious how she knows that they were non-Bermudian, did she stop to ask them?

I am a 23-year-old, white Bermudian woman and have been mistaken for a non-Bermudian too many times to count. Perhaps it is because I am white, perhaps it's because I don't have a strong Bermudian accent, or maybe it's because I don't "look" Bermudian?

I will never know the answers as to why people have falsely assumed that I am a non-Bermudian but obviously there is some kind of "mould" that non-Bermudians fit into and it happens that those two people and I fit right into. I don't understand why it matters if these two people were Bermudian or non-Bermudian, what matters is that they committed a thoughtless and unkind act, not where they were born.

I understand the point Ms Clamens is trying to make; that we all need to use common courtesy and manners everyday but these are very close to being forgotten by the children that will represent our beautiful island one day. The old time Bermudian manners that were taught to me by my mother when I was young aren't taught to many Bermudian children anymore; you don't hear "Good Morning" when you enter a shop or a simple "Thank You" when you lend a helping hand, and they, most certainly, don't give up their seat on the bus for an elderly man or women that steps on after them.

These examples definitely are not directed to all young people, as many are extremely respectful, but the number of young people that don't have these common courtesies is increasing every year. I sometimes wonder why there is an ever increasing divide between Bermudians and non-Bermudians, then I read something like this and in that instant I have no doubt as to why such a divide exists.


St. David's

Ideas for Morgans Point

November 20, 2007

Dear Sir,

In reference to the clean-up of Morgans Point, I would like to make the following suggestions. If Basset's Cave entrance were to be opened up some more, and this cave were to be filled with dry sand or clean rubble, it may neutralise the oil and grease therein, after enough sand or rubble were put into it, it might be feasible just to leave it that way.

Knock down the old large supply building and put that rubble in this cave as well, on top of the sand and rubble. To me, this would be the answer to the cleanup up of Bassett's Cave.

Whatever Morgans Point is finally used for, remember that all the sheet piling used to protect it from the north or northeast winds on the north side will have to be replaced as the present piling has been there for more than 50 years and is in deep decay.

I still maintain that Morgans Point should be used as a container port as there is plenty of room all over the large area where the seaplanes were parked. The now-rotting away Tender Pier could be encased again with sheet piling and made into a solid pier, there are plenty of buildings on the Old Naval Base to be used as fill for any pier that might be built there.

The only counters that were put into Bassetts Cave that I can remember was grease from the galley or mess halls and used engine oils that the seaplanes used, and the used oil from motor vehicles and the large power plant that was to generate all the power to the Base. I do not believe there was ever any jet fuel put into Bassett's Cave, as previously said.

There were storage tanks for aviation fuel (not jet fuel) on the North side of the old supply building. This aviation fuel came by way of tanker ships and the pipes were put underground to this aviation fuel facility.

Tanker ships brought in "Black oil" for ships, these tanks were half way up the hill towards the main gate to this base. These fuel tanks were under the baseball fields. The tanker ships berthed at tender Pier.The writer of this letter was employed at this US Naval Base for some 20 years. I was employed at the logistics side of all operations that this base undertook.



UBP represents all

November 19, 2007

Dear Sir,

Rendol James, in his November 13 letter to you, states: "We are going to see in demonstration that the white community vote in solidarity for the white party, which is the UBP".

Has Mr. James seen the recent picture of all of the UBP candidates? It looks pretty much like a true reflection of Bermuda's racial make-up to me. If he looks back in history he will also see that, from day one, the UBP was a party representing all shades of complexions.



Editorial was racist

November 20, 2007

Dear Sir,

As a young black professional who has been stopped by the police and questioned in public view and pulled aside by Customs in a full Arrivals Hall at the airport, I found your editorial of yesterday perverse, offensive and overtly racist.

To suggest that some quiet arrangement away from the prying eyes of the public should have been made for the Auditor General confirms for me and many others what you really think about us.

Have you ever written an editorial decrying the "walk of shame" by black men from Hamilton Police Station to the Courts, or where they not also innocent until proven guilty. In your Bermuda, sir, not only are you free to believe such filth, but you're free to publish it.


There is a God above

November 15, 2007

Dear Sir,

I was one of the hundreds of people that walked from Seventh Day Adventist Church to City Hall, it was a very sad and hurtful walk with pain in our hearts, all kinds of people mourning their lost ones. The murders of so many young men that haven't been solved yet if ever. These young men haven't even had chance to start a life for themselves.

Who knew some of those men could have been a lawyer, doctor, teacher, and great football player or even a leader, all these good young men where murder, while I said good young men, cause everyone has some good in their hearts.

Whoever kills and murders these young men will be punished in some way, only god above knows who did those terrible murders, they will pay because each person who killed these sons of God will never have peace or be at peace, it will be on their minds as long as they live. Who knows, there will be a confession on one's dying bed, the worst person has a conscience.

Remember there is a God up above. He's watching each and everyone of us, he has the whole world in his hands. God knows how much pain we are carrying, and how much our hearts are broken and torn, God's not going to give us no more than we can bear, God will make us stronger. I am praying for all the murder victim's families, also the whole Bermuda.

May God be with you all. Love one another be good. I couldn't sleep the Lord told me to write this letter to ease my mind but the pain won't go away, don't be afraid to cry it helps. I love you all. God loves you too. Pray to God (JAH) it will help.


City of Hamilton

A Christmas wish list

November 14, 2007

Dear Sir,

A Christmas list for you Bermie Politicians:

(i) A Box of Common Courtesy

(ii) A box of Common Decency

(iii) A box of Common Sense

and last but not least, the ability to Agree to disagree, no matter what political persuasion. Keep in mind the acronym W.W.J.D.

What Would Jesus Do



Kudos all around

November 18, 2007

Dear Sir,

Please allow me some space to congratulate the D&J Construction Company with the wonderful and fast work done putting in the necessary underground work for the Bermuda Electric Light Company. They did a good job covering the trench work.

I would also like to congratulate Gilbert Lopes Construction with the team erecting the Condo's in Paget. They are doing a fast and wonderful job to better Bermuda and its people. I did not see his picture with the others when the picture of the construction site was in the paper last week.



Advert is inappropriate

November 12, 2007

Dear Sir,

I can only hope that we the taxpayers are not paying, nor have paid, for the ad from the Parliamentary Registrar urging us to register to vote.

Months ago I heard that ad and thought that communism had returned overnight and that the Russians were coming (now I know that the Chinese are coming!). In a letter to the Editor subsequently someone did comment on the music and what it signified. To my surprise, the ad is back again.

This should be withdrawn forthwith and another copywriter hired. The ad as it stands is highly inappropriate when the message being conveyed has good intentions but its delivery smacks of political intimidation. The only thing missing is the raised clenched fist.



Food for thought

November 16, 2007

Dear Sir,

It's me again. My first complaint is to the community of Bermuda. Bermuda is an island not a country. I even hear the politicians say it's a country. I can tell the education system is messed up because when I went to school my geography teacher taught me that an island consists of a piece of land surrounded by water, but every time I hear someone saying "this country of Bermuda" it angers me because it is not a country.

My second complaint is another geography myth. Bermuda is not 21 square miles, in order to be a square all sides must be of equal size. Bermuda is 21 miles long and three miles wide at its widest point. I learnt that in school too.

My third one is when people make statements to the Press they should think before they speak. Bermuda is not the second or third richest country they really meant to say island in the world. It should be said that Bermudians the second or third riches island per capita in the world. Last I knew Bermuda was way down the chart as one of the richest places in the world.

Now here is a bit of political jive. First of all the PLP the governing party are there to make laws and amend laws. The UBP's job is to scrutinise the government because they are the Opposition. I wish the public would realise that and stop calling the talk shows and saying the Opposition complains too much. Thank God for the Opposition, as long as they are complaining they are doing their job. So keep it up, we live in a democratic island.

This political environment island is like a donkey and a carrot on a stick. Let me explain. The donkey is the UBP (the word donkey here does not mean ass) Premier Brown represents the PLP holding the carrot on the stick in front of the donkey. In other words the carrot represents the election and the donkey is trying to find out how to get the carrot.

As long as Premier Brown shakes the carrot, the donkey will continue to focus on trying to get the carrot and if the UBP don't watch out they will fall in the political trap and lose seats in the next election.

The Housing Corporation scandal is what the UBP is looking for to boost up their political campaign, and that's what the Opposition waits for and their main goal is to get political dirt on the governing party. I believe without a shadow of doubt the PLP will win the next election, but they might lose one or two seats. Mr. Zane DeSilva, a candidate for the PLP gave his speech of acceptance and he mentioned two things.

One was his marriage of 25 years and I congratulate him on that, but the second thing he mentioned and he put emphasis on the fact that he is the owner/manager of the largest construction company in Bermuda and I quote "he intends to keep it that way". If he is elected will he have inside information of all government contracts and therefore the psychological advantage to bid for the big contracts?

My belief is that he is going to need big contracts because he has a very large work force and I would not be surprised when the new police station and court house construction begins he will end with the contract. That is why I say politics in Bermuda has too much conflict of interest or at least to perceive to have.

Jamahl Simmons I recognise as a venom snake hiding in the grass, whenever he talks realise that he is a snake, remember the bible talks of the devil as a serpent and how he deceived the world. Jamahl Simmons gave a speech at the PLP rally in the summer and he quoted the Bible verse about the leopard cannot change his spots, I wonder what kind of animal he is, because he was PLP then switch to UBP and now back to PLP. I guess Jamal can change his political spots. I hope you enjoy your retirement from politics.

Premier Brown is in a controversy now with the Housing Corporation. He says he is innocent and I believe him. If politicians are innocent, whey was a secret file kept on them and why was it sealed? I know why, because of the word ethics.

Minister Burch, you are not solving the housing problem by shuffling people who already have accommodations, though they are temporary and not focusing on the families that are divided up in three or four different accommodations. Congratulations to Minister Lister on the new temporary/permanent bridge. I have claimed it as my own. I travel on it five days a week. Give thanks to the local engineers for using this exercise to prove the knowledge they have. This proves they can do the permanent bridge. This is one time the government used the local talent. Don't bring in any foreigners for this job.

I was watching the travel channel, that's the way I like to travel. I don't need a suitcase. One night the commentator mentioned the top ten popular destinations. I was surprised who was in second place, it is Nevis and first place went to a small tourist resort on the coast of Mexico. I was looking for Bermuda but it did not qualify, nor did Jamaica. The next day I looked around and found it outside my door, in other words I knew where Bermuda was all along but the tourist don't know where to find it. A couple of Caribbean islands made the list of popular destinations.

Premier Brown as Minister of Tourism some of the figures you quote on visitors, I have my doubts about them. Another thing, Premier Brown, you gave a speech to a corporation on the Bermuda fast ferry service. I am glad you believe it works because I don't and I use the ferry. It needs to be improved, especially the St. Georges' service. The War Baby should be returned and you should be reimbursed. I hope the next ferry which is on its way here now improves the services to and from St. George's.

I hope the political environment improves and my advice to the registered voters is to get out and vote in the next election and vote your conscience.


Smith's Parish

We need a change of Govt.

November 7, 2007

Dear Sir,

Now that an election has been called, the fury is going to come out. But, the most important thing on this prolific little island is to remain focused on the future of one of the smallest countries in the world.

Anyone can claim to be furious, at any government, there is nothing wrong with that. The focus of whichever government comes next is to think strongly about what we become in this global environment surrounded by the ocean. Does the Government think that we are vulnerable to global warming, the price of energy spiraling around $100 a barrel, and do we have a choice? What are we going to do if we suddenly can't afford the high cost of living, what about the new projects, do they fit within this new global environment?

Being rich does not make any difference in this environment, but environmentalism is a form of masochism when it comes to development. And, development on our little island isn't easy because it is so small.

Yet so small, there are ways to develop this island with the technologies of the future: better light bulbs, reduce waste, think that there are other ways to produce electricity that with gasoline, when one thinks that submarines can remain underwater for so long on the autonomy of nuclear batteries, and that our small country could be a model of an economy for years to come; is just an example.

Individuals in general remain believing in their personal image, and sometimes this is undesirable to others. Fair enough!

But, the image of our country depends on a certain future, which must focus on a communal reality. We need a change of Government, we need to understand our place in the world, which isn't black or white. The debts we have are to our children, not to our ancestors! Make the new Government transparent, and working for the people of Bermuda rather than for themselves.


St. George's