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Letters to the Editor, June 22, 2006

A case of racial profiling?May 31, 2006Dear Sir,It is with the greatest regret that I must acknowledge apparent racial and/or socio-economic profiling by Bermuda's very own police force. On Sunday, May 28, 2006, a group of friends and I attended the Passa Passa Sunday block party on 42nd Street. As we were strapping on helmets and getting onto our bikes at the conclusion of the event, we were alarmed to note a female police officer, surrounded by at least five other Police officers, standing no more than three feet away from us, taking photographs of those leaving the event. All of this without a word — of comment, of explanation, or of requesting consent. Perturbed and perplexed, my friends and I then went to the Paget Ice Queen, where a friend and I spotted and approached a police officer.

A case of racial profiling?May 31, 2006

Dear Sir,It is with the greatest regret that I must acknowledge apparent racial and/or socio-economic profiling by Bermuda’s very own police force. On Sunday, May 28, 2006, a group of friends and I attended the Passa Passa Sunday block party on 42nd Street. As we were strapping on helmets and getting onto our bikes at the conclusion of the event, we were alarmed to note a female police officer, surrounded by at least five other Police officers, standing no more than three feet away from us, taking photographs of those leaving the event. All of this without a word — of comment, of explanation, or of requesting consent. Perturbed and perplexed, my friends and I then went to the Paget Ice Queen, where a friend and I spotted and approached a police officer.

I respectfully requested to know if this was Police policy that I was unaware of, and if so, what was its purpose. My friend, who is also black, noted that she had been to numerous events whose patrons were predominately white, and she had never witnessed such an insulting occurrence. After fifteen minutes of increasingly impassioned discussion, the police officer agreed, in more words, that the practice appeared discriminatory, however: “It happens to all of us — so why complain?” My friends and I are left with such complex emotions regarding this deeply troubling incidence. The Police officer addressed at Ice Queen did not identify the photographing of innocent and unsuspecting youths as Police policy — so what exactly was this? What was the purpose of taking these photos? Who is looking at the faces of myself and my friends and what conclusions are they drawing?

My conclusion? Bermudians are living in a society that clumsily wears the guise of democracy and civil rights. Sunday night’s events were chillingly reminiscent of the actions of an authoritarian state, which often maintains and enforces social control by oppressive means. Should there be any reasonable and democratic argument for this practice — and I am awaiting a public address of this matter — Sunday night may be viewed, in its best light , as extremely unsettling, and fault could be found with the mute method in which the actions were carried out. However, I doubt that there is such an argument.

In this case, I encourage Bermudians to question how highly their human rights are regarded. It is no coincidence that this took place on 42nd Street. And, with actions such as those encountered, it is no coincidence that today’s youth are deeply, deeply wary of the Bermuda police force. Again, I await an expeditious public address of such a significant matter which reflects democracy, human rights, profiling, and police/civilian relations.17-YEAR-OLD FEMALE, THE ANTI-PAVLIK MOROZOV

Warwick<$>Take it up with GodMay 31, 2006

Dear Sir,Allow me just a few comments to address the Renee Webb tirade. Ms Webb should step down from politics. Firstly because she is not the best ambassador for Bermuda, especially Bermuda’s young people who are going astray as it is, and secondly, that she is disloyal to her party and party leadership. She’s plain and simply an angry human being. You see there is a difference to being principled and out spoken, to being angry and disruptive. And that she is. But in response to her tirade after losing the Human Rights Amendment and her criticism of Christianity, especially the Black Christian Churches, in particular the A.M.E. denomination, please allow me to say to Ms. Webb, that the bible clearly states in Psalm 33:12, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he hath chosen”.

Let me exegete the verse for Ms Webb. The meaning of the word “blessed,” gives the idea that the nation is happy, or that its condition is desirable. What is true of a nation is also as true of an individual. The nation whose God is the LORD, is the nation which worships Yahweh, and is under his protection. This is evidently said to distinguish such a nation from those which worshipped false gods or idols. Such a nation is blessed or happy, because:

(a) He is a REAL God, the true God, and not an imagination or fiction;

(b) because His laws are just and good, and their observance will always tend to promote the public welfare and prosperity;

(c) because His protection will be vouchsafed to such a nation; and

(d) because His worship, and the influence of His religion, will tend to diffuse virtue, intelligence, purity, and truth, over a land, and thus will promote its welfare.

And the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance is the primary reference to the Hebrew people, but what is here affirmed of that people (the Hebrews) is true also of all other people who worship the true God.

Renee: Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace (reproach) to any people. (Prov 14:34) But allow me to share some excerpts with Ms Webb and Bermuda from the recently elected Prime Minister of Jamaica, an Island gripped by crime and violence. Mrs. Simpson Miller defended her religious utterances and placed emphasised that Jamaica needed values and morals. Some of her quotes in the Jamaica Gleaner, “I don’t want to impose my spirituality on anyone, that is for me. I don’t want anyone to judge me, lest they be judged. I am of the belief that Christian values are good for this nation. When I publicly express my Christian faith, I don’t mean to put anybody down who is not a Christian or to impose my belief on anyone. I believe the God of the Bible is the true God.”

She said: “No leader could succeed without the support of the majority and, therefore, she was seeking the assistance of all.” She stated that many people were strategically placed where they can help with the re-socialisation of Jamaica. However her strongest statement was that Jamaica needed the church because the church instilled family values that can help rid the country of crime and violence. Mrs. Simpson Miller said that Christianity was not the only religion that teaches those values because all religious groups have similar morals, however, Christianity has lifted the bar high because it teaches people to plan, strategize, work and pray.

The few critics she stated believe Christianity is just about religious dogma, rituals, ceremony and praying. We have to show how the Christian faith relates to all the practical problems which this country faces.”

Mrs. Simpson Miller has declared that religious leaders must be represented on all boards and corporations in the public sector. However she did not question the integrity and competence of current boards in her country that did not previously have such representation.

I would very much like to believe that had that same Human Rights Amendment been tabled in Jamaica under this new PM, it also would have been shot down.

The one thing that really baffles me is whether or not Renee who accuses everyone with a lack of integrity is being upfront with the minority who support this Amendment. I have to seriously question her true motive, because the bible clearly states in Jer 17:9 that “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. So it’s her real motive and hidden agenda that concerns me and should concern Bermuda.” But my last point is this from the book of Psalms 94:20-23 which states, Ps 94:20, “Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law, have fellowship with you? They gather together against the life of the righteous, and condemn innocent blood. But the LORD has been my defence, and my God the rock of my refuge. He has brought on them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness. The LORD our God shall cut them off.

What the Psalmist is saying is that this is a description of the wicked that have great power to legislate sin and the Holy Lord cannot tolerate evil in His presence. Final judgment will one day come to the wicked.

So Renee the fact that various religious leaders were present in the house clearly demonstrated God’s mandate in not allowing this Amendment because despite your explanation that Bermuda did not fully understand the legislative amendment, or misconstrued it, God clearly saw beyond your motivation and denied this amendment. Further to that, the ministers of religion (those present and ALL others) must give an account to God. They will pursue only that course which will be for your good. (Heb. 13:7). So despite the argument in Wednesday’s (31/5/06) edition of the Bermuda Sun alleging intimidation, the ministers of God should never sit idly by and allow the oracles of God to go unchallenged.

So Renee and other supporters don’t fault the PLP or UBP for their lack of involvement, this was divine intervention. Take it up with God. And to you Mr. Premier, take a leaf out of the book of Mrs. Simpson Miller. Keep seeking God in your deliberations and consider religious leaders on your various boards and you’ll find that as we pray for those in authority over us, that we (Bermuda) will live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1 Tim. 2:2)

Renee we as believers are not all perfect, but I’m confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in the believer will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ (Phi. 1:6), and one day, we’ll ALL have to give an account of ourselves before God (Rom. 14:12).

As for you Renee, as I began, allow my concluding sentiments be this: “Either change or get off the political stage because no right thinking person should vote you back in parliament with your current attitude.”REV. LARRY E. SMITH

Orlando, FloridaWhy ignore the cruelty?May 31, 2006

Dear Sir,I am asking, no pleading, for the courtesy of enough space in your letters to the Editor column to place certain facts in the public domain. This is about the right of the public to hear the truth so the next generation of Bermudians become gentle, caring and environmentally connected people, who in turn will pass on these attitudes. Man’s inhumanity to man, begins with man’s inhumanity to animals. Anyone who visited our practice, had seen our vehicles or had spoken to anyone connected with us over the past 2 months, could not have failed to feel our deep opposition to the ‘Animal Extravaganza’ in other words circus. Contrary to the statement in yesterday’s Royal Gazette editorial that the vets were ‘unanimous in saying they (the animals) were in decent shape’, this is simply untrue, and had the author spoken with us, we would have been happy to share with him/her some important evidence, backed by overseas experts, that this was not the case. (I shall return to this.)

Firstly, let us deal with the facts of the protest against the issuing of permission. We never stood a chance. We were described repeatedly, both by Ministry officials and the press and electronic media in a derogatory way as ‘activists’. Alarming information was disseminated about fear someone might ‘harm the animals’, and various ridiculous claims were made about protestors being ‘flown in from the UK’. (I always assumed there was no law in Bermuda governing which accent a Bermudian adopted. Perhaps speaking in public with an English accent will now be banned by the Premier as an accent- identity problem).

Every time we expressed reasonable and well-researched, specific concerns, they were simply ignored. As far as I know, we still — officially at any rate — enjoy freedom of association in Bermuda. (Unless you suffer from a gender identity problem and want to join a public parade.) The Hannover Veterinary Hospital has since 2001 been the focal point of a group of individuals who are concerned about animal welfare and environmental issues. We have called it the LPAE, and we have just less than 200 supporters and friends who were opposed to this and sought out our petition against the circus and asked to sign it. After failing to get any information from the department officials, they called us, came into the practice and were determined to believe in the power of numbers, and the right to democratic expression in Bermuda. So were we. We no longer do.

The petition was hand delivered on 12 April and updated with additional signatures in the weeks that followed to be submitted on two further occasions to the Minister. This was done in good faith, and was pointedly ignored by the Ministry. Indeed, the Minister was seen on ZBM stating she had no objections other than 15 e-mails and nothing official from the SPCA . With ‘little opposition’ to the planned arrival she thought it educational. Throughout the time leading up to the arrival of the captive wild animals on 21 May after a five- day road and sea journey to Bermuda, not a day passed when we were not in contact with the Captive Animals’ Protection Society, and no day passed without either one of us or CAPS trying to reveal the truth of the background of this circus and the conditions they were subjected to during travel, and while they were here.

Our qualified vets and veterinary nursing staff were denied official access to the animals, but on the 24 May we were able to gain close access to the trailer complex between 5.15 p.m. and 6.15 p.m. when no one at all connected with the circus was on location to supervise the animals, their appalling housing conditions or indeed the tent area. We filmed with audio. During the entire hour, the large bear groaned every five to ten seconds. The sounds emanated from a windowless trailer with a tent obscuring the door, which we presumed to be open. There was no air conditioning.

These videos were sent to CAPS, and their veterinary wildlife expert has confirmed that the vocals are very similar to those of a distressed bear caught in a trap. He has sent this latter audio clip for our library. On 25 May, I submitted a formal complaint to the SPCA concerning the conditions of Penno’s Wharf, and the vocal distress of the animal. I copied this complaint to all the key personnel and to the press. It was ignored on all sides. CAPS (an organisation dedicated to the welfare of captive animals and has been effectively and professionally dealing with the problem since 1957) without delay wrote letters to every conceivably involved party in Bermuda: the Government Veterinary officer, the Minister the Shadow Minister the Commissioner of Police, the Premier — and not once did they receive the courtesy of a reply.

The electronic media have afforded prime time exposure the circus organisers and trainers (I noted the camera person seemed to cut off the left arm of Ms Rosaire, the one holding the whip while stroking their ‘cuddly and submissive tigers.) On Monday night a poor captive white tiger was shown during the main news, contained in a perspex cage, while humans were allowed to come up close using flash photography to take a photo of themselves with the tiger. The poor tiger, was lashing out in vain with its great paw at the flashes. What in God’s name is educational about this? And what in God’s name is educational for children about seeing a 750 pound. Bear being forced to ride a bike?

And for the record, that same bear is reported by an official of the SPCA to have an eye injury or perhaps cataract in one eye. If this is the case — and I have written this in a personal report for unbiased assessment — then the bear’s stereoscopic vision is impaired, in other words he/she cannot judge depth or distance accurately. Little wonder it would have more intelligence than the trainer, and refuse to do its trick riding. As for comparing a dog’s willingness to please by doing tricks, with forcing a bear to ride a bike! Again, remember dog and man have evolved together for mutual survival, and the domestic dog is hard-wired to please its companion human. Bears are not domestic animals. Neither are tigers. What ever happened to decency, truth and fair and well-researched reporting? I used to believe in the press being our safeguard.DR. A. M. WARE-CIETERS, M.R.C.V.S.<$>P.s.<$> Congratulations to C. Fox for a very moving poem CAPS would like to use it on their web site. Perhaps you could get in touch with them.Put the money to useJune 12, 2006

Dear Sir,Wow! What a pay increase. $200,000 a year and you don’t have to get anything accomplished. Well the figure is far higher when you account for all the other bonuses the MPs have given themselves:

Free parking $500

Never paying licence/insurance fees on GP cars $3-4,000

Unchecked spending on Government per diems (priceless)

Well at least we know what it says on their pay stubs. These public servants need a lesson in the meaning of the word “service”. I applaud (Opposition member John) Barritt for voicing his opinion and stating that he doesn’t want the money. But he’s going to get it anyway. I suggest that the people like himself give his words bite and start a fund with the extra cash to hire a top notch investigator to surveil and record the missing construction supplies, misuse of public manpower and other easily checked thefts, and start putting the suited handbag snatchers where they belong. Well on the other hand if another of their ranks was caught they would probably legislate to decriminalise theft. Don’t be surprised!MORALITY FIRST
