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The truth behind Rudolph's red nose

E<$z$>veryone knows who Rudolph is. He is the red nosed reindeer! But what no one knows is how he got the red nose and what he did before he led Santa’s sleigh.

“Rudolph! Get up now or you are going to miss the pantomime!” hollered mum whilst I slept like a fawn. Hearing her angry call I got up and shook my younger brother Blitzen Jr. and told him to get ready for the panto. The panto this year was going to be Robinson Crusoe! We swallowed down breakfast and quickly opened up number 24 on our advent calendars and ate the little chocolate that was sitting inside. I got a chocolate shaped as a reindeer and Blitzen Jr. found an angel shaped chocolate in his. We jumped into our caravan and drove off.

On the way to City Hall we had to take dad to the airport so he could bring Santa to Bermuda in time for the boat parade tonight. We soon arrived at City Hall and gave in our tickets. The show was superb! For lunch mum decided she would take us to Horseshoe Beach.

After eating lunch Blitzen Jr. and I went swimming, but I only lasted a few minutes and galloped out because it was so cold. Instead I decided to sun bath on the soft pink sand, but I forgot to put on sunscreen. About an hour or so later I woke up to a painful stinging sensation on my nose. I let out a howl of pain as I gently poked it with my hoof. I tore off down the beach to the water and gazed in at my reflection. My nose was no longer a gentle shade of brown that sometimes used to look like a ball of cinnamon on a hot day. It was as red as blood and sparkled in the midday sun rays. As Blitzen Jr. galloped towards me I quickly stuck my nose in the water and pretended to be drinking the sea water. But, Blitzen Jr. is no dim wit and told me in a smarty pants tone: “Rudolph, you stupid reindeer, you can’t drink sea water you will be sick.”

As I realised I could not fool him any longer I lifted my red sun burnt nose out of the water. The second Blitzen Jr. saw my nose he burst into laughter and started to roll around in the sand as if he had an itchy back. This killed me and until I kicked him hard he kept on calling me ‘light bulb nose’.

That night as dad came home with Santa a huge cloud of mist settled over the island and all the decorated boats could not find their way around the harbour. Later, one hour before the boat parade, Santa suddenly realised my nose was still glowing. He asked me to guide the boats around the harbour and if the fog did not clear up I would have the honour to become one of his sleigh reindeer and lead them all including daddy (Blitzen.)

As I climbed aboard the lead boat my nose began to shine even more and the harbour burst into light and colour. The colours were stupendous and the shapes were superb. Later on at the end of the boat parade Santa and I took off with the pack to new destinations. We flew off in good moods leaving my sunny home Bermuda for the Christmas to make boys and girls all over the world extremely happy with grins too large for their faces

So, now you know the story of how Rudolph got his red nose and the before story of his famous life. The real Christmas song should be “Rudolph the Bermudian Reindeer had a very sunburnt nose and all of the other —”