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A surprise visitor helps to kick off a new life for homeless boy Andic

It was Christmas Eve and Andic just got back form his new job at Dunkley’s Dairy where he was stocking shelves with milk cartons. Andic was homeless, and had no relatives in Bermuda. He had been living with the Salvation Army for the last few years. The Salvation Army was having a Christmas party. People were joyfully opening presents and gifts. Everybody was in the Christmas spirit and people were playing Christmas Carols on the piano and singing. There was a big feast of food and deserts. There were all sorts of Christmas drinks and food such as, eggnog, soda, and cassava pie. After everyone ate, they played charades. Andic’s friends tried to cheer him up, but he just started at the Christmas tree sadly with tears in his eyes remembering his loving family, his mom Fresca Ramirez and his father Jose Ramirez.

Christmas always brought this same flashback to his mind. He remembered how his dad , the star ‘keeper for the Bolivian national soccer team, taught him to play soccer, and all of the tricks of the game.

Andic thought about how he moved to Bermuda when he was 16, because his dad had a broken back and could not play soccer any more. He remembered how his parents wanted to forget old times and start new lives as waiters. Andic also remembered sadly how everyone forgot about his dad and how great he was in Bolivia. But the memory that dug into Andic the most was the memory of going away to Spain on Christmas, to represent Bermuda in soccer.

This memory hurt him most, because his parents had saved up all of their money to travel to Spain to see him play. When Andic’s parents got there they rented a car and drove to the stadium, but tragedy struck, and his parents died in a car accident on the way to see Andic play.

Andic did not find out until he had wondered where his parents were during the game. After this happened Andic vowed he would never play soccer again. Suddenly it came to his mind how hard it was to live in Bermuda without any parents.

Then Andic thought sadly how he had to drop out of school, and stocked shelves with milk instead of learning, to earn enough money to live. Suddenly a candy cane flew by his face which disturbed his flashback.

Then Andic stormed off to a bed that the Salvation Army generously let him use. Suddenly, he noticed a huge parcel on his bed, which cheered him up. The parcel read, “To: Andic From: #24.”

Andic ripped apart the parcel, to reveal a soccer ball with the Bolivian National team logo, the team that his dad played for. Under the soccer ball was the Bolivian national team jersey.

Andic turned the jersey around to see #24 Ramirez. This was Andic’s dad ‘s jersey! Andic was so exited to wear it. Andic decided after that day he would never again quit playing soccer.

Andic decided to get up early, and take the bus to Elbow Beach and play soccer there with his new ball. Then Andic jumped in bed and dazed off into a joyful snooze thinking that this was his best Christmas in a very long time.

He woke up at 9 a.m., caught the bus, and in about 10 minutes was at Elbow Beach. He jumped off the bus holding his soccer ball, and wearing his father’s jersey, he ran down to the beach.

When he got to the beach he threw the soccer ball in front of him, ran after it, and started dribbling, and doing amazing tricks. When he had dribbled from one end of the beach to the other about four times he stopped and rested.

Andic rested for five minutes, and then started up again. This time he started kicking the ball high in the air, and juggled it while running down the beach. While Andic was showing off his skills, a man came up to him, watched his footwork closely, and stated, “I have never seen anyone play this good since I coached Jose Ramirez.”

“He was my father,” replied Andic.

“I used to coach him, he was an extremely good goalie,” explained the man.

“So you are the coach of the national Bolivian soccer team?” questioned Andic.

“That’s me,” answered the man.

“Okay,” said Andic.

“I think you are a great soccer player!” announced the man

“Thanks, my dad taught me,” replied Andic.

“I think it is time for you to come home and play for our national team. You can live with the team until you get settled,” cheered the tourist.

“Great,” replied Andic. “Let’s go to our real home and thanks for a very Merry Christmas!”