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Thanks for finding dogApril 7, 2007Dear Sir,

Thanks for finding dog

April 7, 2007

Dear Sir,

Last week Friday, my Yorkshire terrier went missing; thankfully he was found on Saturday night. I want to thank the community for helping me find my little baby!

I cannot express my gratitude enough to the various radio stations, establishments and individuals that helped reunite me with the smallest member of my family!

Thank you again!


City of Hamilton

Drawing the line

April 10, 2008

Dear Sir,

This Letter is aimed mostly at the poster "Something 2 Think about", and all the other people calling out for a cellphone driving ban. Every time I read these letters, I just wonder why people are putting so much effort into this when the driving problem here is so much bigger.

Firstly, how many accidents are known to be caused solely by the distraction of using a phone? Then look at how many are caused by drinking and driving? How many are cause by unsafe driving practices like speeding, nips, passing on corners, passing long lines of traffic, etc.

Why spend wasted effort trying to create a law to ban a very minor issue, when we can't even stop people from driving like maniacs and breaking the laws we already have?

And what if a cell phone ban is put in place? And it has no effect on serious injuries and road fatalities? What will you call for then, car stereo bans? No more talking allowed with passengers?

Yes cell phone use can be a distraction, and im sure it will lower the number of fender benders by a bit ... but the only reason I can see chasing after a law to ban them is because its easy. We cant stop people driving like idiots, but making a cellphone ban law is easy! So let's all start focusing on that? instead of the real problem (which is much harder to solve)?



A definite distinction

April 11, 2008

Dear Sir,

We would like to thank you for making the definite distinction that the raid in Texas on a Fundamentalist group and their temple was not connected in any way to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The people involved in that group have never been Mormons and their actions are abhorrent to all of us. We appreciate your article making clear that they are not affiliated with the world-wide Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the good people who belong to it.

