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Britannia to visit island next week

carrying any members of the Royal Family and is only stopping for fuel, a spokesman for HMS Malabar said.

The 412-foot yacht was designed for use by the Queen in peacetime but can also be converted to a medium-sized naval hospital ship.

The top 20 feet of her mainmast and the radio aerial on her foremast were hinged in 1958 so she could pass under the bridges of the St. Lawrence Seaway during a visit to Canada, according to Jane's Fighting Ships.

A rare change of flag ceremony is expected in the next few days for a bulk carrier which arrived in Bermuda as the Singapore-flagged Neptune Olivine but is to sail out as the Maltese-registered Orpheus .

The ship, which arrived at Murray's Anchorage on Sunday and moved to Penno's Wharf on Tuesday, is being sold while in Bermuda, where the crew will also be changed.

She was handled by Meyer Agencies Ltd. for the incoming trip and is being handled by Harnett and Richardson Ltd. on the outbound voyage.

There was concern on Tuesday among some St. David's Island residents after the hull of an old wooden pleasure craft was launched from the St. George's Boatyard and set afire.

A spokesman for the boatyard said he helped a man launch the boat, which was about 40 feet long, at about 9:30 or 10 a.m. He knew the man planned to dispose of the boat, but did not know how, he said.

The overtime dispute on the Hamilton docks apparently cooled, as the Somers Isles arrived on Sunday morning and discharged the same day before she sailed for Florida on Monday morning.

She discharged 69 containers, including nine refrigerated, 22 bundles of lumber, eight bundles of steel, a 36-foot boat mast, a Mack truck, and a trailer. Her agent was Meyers.

The Bermuda Islander , also handled by Meyer, arrived on Monday and discharged 46 containers, four of them refrigerated. She sailed on Tuesday for Salem, New Jersey.

The Oleander arrived in Hamilton on Monday morning and discharged 130 containers, including 33 refrigerated ones, a 28-foot boat, and some other loose cargo. She sailed on Tuesday and was handled by Container Ship Management Ltd.

The Bold Venture arrived on Tuesday with supplies for the US Naval Air Station, then sailed to Hamilton, where she discharged one dry and one refrigerated container.

Handled by John S. Darrell and Co. Ltd., Bold Venture sailed on Tuesday for Norfolk.

The Japanese car ship Ocean Express arrived at Hamilton on Thursday and discharged 97 cars and 60 cases of spare parts before sailing for Nassau. Her agent was Meyer.

Due in to Hamilton today is the paper ship Abitibi Orinoco with 855 rolls of paper. Her agent is Harnett and Richardson.

The heavy lift ship Thor Scan , registered in Netherlands Antilles, arrived at Penno's Wharf for fuel on Saturday. Carrying 8,000 tonnes of steel coils, she sailed on Sunday for Albany, New York.

The 145-foot Taiwanese fishing vessel Tong Hong II had not yet arrived in Bermuda yesterday, despite earlier reports, because the ship was missing its anchor, Meyer Agencies reported.

She was expected to arrive at Dockyard today for bunkers.

ROYAL YACHT -- Royal Britannia , due in next week.