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Special tour for woman whose father died on sub

Maureen Hatcherley whose father was killed on the original vessel.Last week, Mrs Hatcherley and her husband John were given a tour of the new Upholder , where she was able to finally see how her father had lived.

Maureen Hatcherley whose father was killed on the original vessel.

Last week, Mrs Hatcherley and her husband John were given a tour of the new Upholder , where she was able to finally see how her father had lived.

During the Second World War, Mrs. Hatcherley's father Mr. Thomas C. Brown, of Fareham, Hampshire in England was aboard the original HMS Upholder in 1942 as an able seaman.

On April 14, 1942, Mr. Brown, who was 33-years-old, and the other members of the submarine crew went out off the North African coast in the Mediterranean on war patrol. It was their last trip.

The sub was sunk by an Italian torpedo and was never found.

Mrs. Hatcherley, who has no memory of her father along with her sister who at the time was six weeks old, said her mother received a telegram telling her the sub was missing and that her father was presumed dead.

"It's been a great experience to go on the sub,'' she said. "My father loved the subs and he elected to stay on them. I've been able to see how he lived at the time.

"The original HMS Upholder was much smaller so I imagine the crew had to be close-knit and able to work together.

"I often think about how he died, and I just hope it was quick so he didn't have to suffer.'' After her tour Mrs. Hatcherley received a plaque with the sub's crest to commemorate her visit.

Mrs. Hatcherley moved to Bermuda in 1955 from Gosport, England and married a Bermudian and had four children.

The new diesel electric powered HMS Upholder arrived in Bermuda for the first time last week for fuel. The sub later left to return to the United Kingdom.

SPECIAL LOOK -- Mrs. Maureen Hatcherley got a good look at how her father lived while touring the new diesel-fuel submarine HMS Upholder Her father died in 1942 on the original sub. Pictured with Mrs Hatcherley is Lt. Peter Noblett of the new HMS Upholder giving her the sub's plaque.