A better place!
Have you ever had a really good shower? I mean the kind of shower where your body feels more than just clean, you feel refreshed? Until recently, I'd not had that experience at home for years. I wondered what was missing but had been satisfied with it. You know, the "I guess that's the way it is" idea. Last week I decided to call an expert – a plumber – who was able to determine that it was a hot water pressure problem. Once I stepped into the shower I knew I had made the right choice. I had leaned on the expert to help me understand that "I could do better".
It occurred to me that sometimes we can reach a certain point in life when we think we have done really well and maybe are uncertain of where to go next. When that happens you might need some help, because as I tell my students, you can do better.
Often pride or fear of rejection keeps us from asking for help. But if we take that step of faith that someone else can provide the insight we need to solve a problem, we can move ourselves to a better place – of understanding and of learning!