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Breast cancer

October is Breast Cancer Month, and there are good reasons why special attention is paid to this terrible disease.

Despite the fact that diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer has made remarkable progress in the last few decades, the fact remains that too many women, and some men, die or suffer as a result. It is far and away the most common form of cancer among women in Bermuda with around two out of three of all reported incidences of cancer among females. And it makes up one third of all cancer diagnoses and is the cause of 14 percent of deaths by cancer.

Those numbers are stark, but they do not show the pain and suffering that this cancer can cause for the victim and their family. But the good news is that if it is caught early enough, it can be treated and the victim can live for many more years.

As Health Minister Walter Roban said on Friday: "Mammography remains the best available method of detecting breast changes that may be cancer. It only takes a few minutes for women to be proactive about early detection. But the results can mean a lifetime of wellness."

Furthermore, pursuing a healthy lifestyle seems to help prevent tumours, as does breastfeeding. As with prostate cancer for men, some women may be reluctant to have a mammogram because of the discomfort. But a few hours of discomfort are a small sacrifice to make for either the news of a clean bill of health or early detection and good chances of a successful treatment.

Avoidance or delay, on the other hand, could have disastrous consequences. The slogan for Breast Cancer Awareness Month is "A Few Minutes for a Lifetime", and it is very apt. All women over the of 40 should take it to heart; it could end up saving their lives.