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Letters for the Editor, April 27, 2009

Numbers up: Reader Janice Battersbee writes about the ongoing debate over whether or not to allow gambling and casinos in Bermuda.
I disagree Mr. EdnessApril 22, 2009Dear Sir,

I disagree Mr. Edness

April 22, 2009

Dear Sir,

I disagree with some of the comments made by The Hon. Quinton Edness in the Opinion Column today regarding the handling of the Turks and Caicos (TCI) situation by the British Government following an interim report of a Commission of Inquiry which found clear signs of corruption in the dependency's government which caused the resignation or sacking of the Premier, Michael Misick – the sacking of his Cabinet as well as the leader of the Opposition – the Speaker and Deputy Speaker and Members of the Judiciary and Public Service Commission.

Mr. Edness goes on to say he agrees the situation was such that something had to be done, then he goes on to mention the allegations of kickbacks, dubious business dealings, illegal sale of Government land all of which had been going on for some time. Then he mentions the fact that the heavy hand of the colonial power moved in and suspended the Constitution and took control of the Government and gave it to one man, the Governor to run the affairs of that Island.

From where I stand, if these allegations are as serious as the report indicates, what in the world would Mr. Edness expect the British Government to do? Give them more time to initiate more of what they were accused of? Our Premier Dr. Ewart Brown was also against the handling of the TCI affair, but the Premier is a personal friend of Michael Misick so his reaction was expected – one would be inclined to ask the question … do these two men condone corruption and all that goes along with it?

Granted Mr. Edness did say that the situation was such that something had to be done as mentioned above … but I would have thought Mr. Edness would have approved of taking the situation in hand ASAP as the British Government seems to have done – I am certainly in agreement with their actions – but heavy handed? I think not!

Mr. Editor, another thing Mr. Edness stated was the TCI Government had recently been elected in 2007 and they should have been given time to resolve those matters affecting the country by way of the democratic process. Just think about it – in two years this Government has been implicated in a multitude of corrupt practices. So why give them more time to do the same? Democratic process? Let's be real here!

When elected leaders use their positions in Government to rob the public blind and are found guilty of such, they should be hung! When it comes to corrupt public officials (and we all know there are plenty), I am a strong believer they should be made to pay dearly for their crimes against society regardless of who they are. These people are nothing but common crooks – they are no better than the thief that crawls through your window at night and steals the money out of your child's piggy bank.

Just take a look at some of the suspicions surrounding our own Government. We have had so many unfavourable reports from the Auditor General on unanswered financial questions etc. etc. etc., suspicious dealings by our Government; rumours upon rumours of unethical behaviour and scandals, so wouldn't one think a Royal Commission of Inquiry is long overdue here? And by having a Royal Commission of Inquiry, wouldn't it put an end to whether illegal and undercover dealings, kickbacks etc., have taken or are taking place by our Government? Isn't that why we have a judicial system? To prove one's innocence or guilt? So what is wrong with having a Royal Commission of Inquiry to prove our Government's innocence or guilt?

Mr. Editor, once again I do not agree with Mr. Edness or Dr. Brown's opinions that the British Government was heavy handed in dealing with the Turks and Caicos Islands.



Bake sale thanks

April 23, 2009

Dear Sir,

Please afford me the opportunity to thank all persons who were patrons of the Continental Society of Bermuda's bake sale held on Saturday April 4, 2009 at the Farmers' Market in Hamilton.

As a result of the kind generosity the bake sale was a tremendous success. We therefore continue to share the benefits garnered with the less fortunate children within our community.

Thanks and God bless all of you.



Continental Society of Bermuda

Something stinks

April 21, 2009

Dear Sir

Why does a mother always sniff her baby to see if it has filled its nappy?

There was an 'incident' on the bus recently, with the lone baby being the obvious cuplrit, yet the mother acted as if any one of us was equally likely to be responsible looking around accusingly, finally deigning to sniff, then acting surprised that her little bundle of joy was the cause of the other passengers scrambling to open the windows.

A simple 'ask the audience' would have been a lot quicker.

Yours with the air freshener.


Hamilton Parish

You made it a success

Dear Sir,

On behalf of YouthVision Promotions, I would like to thank all of those who helped to make our four-a-side football tourney, a success. To the youth Development Department of the Ministry of Environment and Sports, Barritts, Upper Crust, Wanda Booth, Reid Simmons, Renee Isaac, Dennika Warren and Glenda Crockell, Dejuan Dill and Kevin Gardner. To MPs Ms. Lovitta Foggo and Mr. Donte Hunt, Thank you for gracing us with your presence. Thank you also goes out to the St. David's CC and president Mr. Aron Lugo. A special thank you to Sergio Pitcher and 'By the Numbers' tutoring services...to all of the participants 'well done' and we look forward to the next one. Last, but first, we thank GOD ALMIGHTY, though whom all good things come from.


Program Director

YouthVision Promotions

Gambling on further decline

April 22, 2009

Dear Sir,

As I am at home with my daughter doing homework and unfortunately cannot attend every town meeting called by Government (especially on successive nights) — please allow room in your column for me to weigh in on the gambling/ gaming issue.

We have allowed an 'almost anything goes' approach to television and now wonder how are children's minds are filled with so much garbage.

We have allowed junk food and fast food in our diets and wonder why so many are suffering from cancer and diabetes.

We have allowed computer games to take over outside activities and wonder why our children are obese and unhealthy.

We have allowed alcohol into our society and wonder why we have so many road fatalities.

We have allowed spell checks on computers and wonder why our children can't spell when the lights go out.

We have allowed unlimited access to television and wonder why our children (and adults) can't (or won't) read.

We have allowed smoking and wonder why there is so much lung cancer.

We have allowed cell phones while driving and wonder why there are so many road traffic accidents and near misses, not to mention 'too much information' on street corners, buses, in PTA meetings and movies.

We have allowed our children to do whatever they want, whenever they want and wonder why they can't sit still.

We have allowed our children to have too much and wonder why they pursue so little.

We have allowed too much political power to belong to too few people.

We have allowed our sons to become weak and lazy and wonder why their children are so angry.

We have allowed our daughters be become baby mamma's and wonder why their children are so angry.

Will we allow gambling to be legalised and wonder why crime has increased? Why families who were on the borderline of poverty have now sunk below that line? Why alcoholism is increasing? Why drug abuse is increasing? Why child neglect is increasing? Why prostitution is increasing? Why violence and abuse is increasing? Why school attendance is decreasing? Why even more counsellors than music teachers will be required in schools? Why larger prisons will need to be built….in Dockyard perhaps?….perhaps next to over-sized cruise ships with casinos…?

All in the name of money and self-indulgence.

I wonder….why have we allowed ourselves to be so foolish?

Please note what the Bible says:

Romans 1:28 -29 (New King James Version) "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness."

Yeah, I know what you're saying those stupid Christians don't live in the REAL world, why don't they shut-up? Judgmental, narrow-minded, intolerant etc. etc. etc. Say what you like, it has happened in the past and we seem to be HELL BENT that it will continue to happen in the future.

Mark my words.


Sandys parish