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This is Crown landDecember 3, 2009Dear Sir,

This is Crown land

December 3, 2009

Dear Sir,

I was interested in the article in the December 2 copy of The Royal Gazette regarding the developments planned for Coco Reef.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I understood that this property, formerly the Hotel School of the Bermuda College, was Crown land, and any development on this land belongs to the people. How will the country benefit from the villas planned to be built and sold on this property?

Is it legally correct to sell or lease Crown land to developers for their own profit?

I hope someone will explain this for future reference.



Poor TV service

This was sent to Bermuda CableVision and copied to The Royal Gazette.

December 3, 2009

Dear Sir,

I have been having problems with my TV reception for months, and have still had no resolution. I am now fed up. If I don't get some satisfaction this week, I will take my business elsewhere.

I have fragmenting on the picture almost every evening to the point where I cannot watch the station. It occurs on all stations, at various times. I have made several calls to your office, I have had technicians visit my home and claim to have fixed the problem and two days later the problem returns.

My husband called your office last evening and was told that a technician on call would call him back, that was last evening and we are still waiting. We have just tried calling again and all we get is a recording, not even an option to leave a message. This is abysmal service. You take $90 of my money every month and do not even have the decency and respect to call me back when you say you will. And to add insult to injury, you charge me $5 if I am a day late in paying! This is not service! Your company needs to take some lessons in how to treat customers.

As I said before, if we do not have this problem resolved this week, we will cancel our account. I also expect to be re-imbursed for the days that we are unable to watch because of the fragmentation, which is most days.

I look forward to hearing from you.



P.s. The technician who did the last work, Antonio, was very helpful and said he would return should there be a problem, but your operator would not contact him.

Road sense

December 1, 2009

Dear Sir,

1. Turn off your fog lights, there is no fog in Bermuda and the lights shine up into oncoming traffic like a main beam.

2. Signal when turning, try it. It can be really helpful to other road users.

3. Drivers, don't hug the wall, fence or whatever it is on blind corners when there is no sidewalk there could be a walker or runner (me!) who you can't see until the last second.

4. Bikes, don't use main beam all the time. The new lights are very dazzling.

5. If you don't pass me don't sit on my back light, keep your distance.

6. If you do pass me, remember, speed does kill and possibly not just you!

Thanks and have a safe and happy Christmas.



No more excuses

December 8, 2009

Dear Sir,

To our politicians, stop making excuses and having expensive studies. Deadly violence is escalating, bring in more foreign law enforcement officers now!

