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Letters to the Editor

Suspect in the extremeDecember 14, 2008Dear Sir,

Suspect in the extreme

December 14, 2008

Dear Sir,

I don't think I have ever been so incensed by what happened in my Parliament on December 12. We hear and read of The Honourable Gentleman. Honourable indeed! What a sham that is.

The speed with which this Bill was presented and the terms of only one week for debate and consultation, was indeed suspect in the extreme and from the start.

If all was well with this bill and there was no secret agenda, what was wrong with giving more time for the opposition to consider the merits of the bill? No, because they did not want any dissent or delay, they wanted to pass this Bill, regardless!

Whether it was considered prudent or not and also with their usual arrogance, not to allow The People to have their say.

Passing this bill has dishonoured and made a mockery of our Parliament, insulted The People's intelligence, and above all, disregarded the precious meaning of our Democracy.

