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Letters to the Editor

Cut payroll tax nowOctober 31, 2010Dear Sir,

Cut payroll tax now

October 31, 2010

Dear Sir,

As we celebrate the selection of a new Premier; and as a businesswomen, I honour and sincerely respect her achievements, I sit with my head in my hands having completed the last day of our company's 25th year in business. Our financial statements would sadden the most positive proactive businessman! Reduction in takings year over year of over a quarter of a million dollars, profit zero, future forecast, bleak, to say the least.

As a small local Company with ten Bermudian employees, the prognosis is grim. Our dedicated staff who in a customer service-commission-based industry, have seen their incomes drop by 30 percent, are all now earning well below the country's liveable wage, each having to pay rent/ mortgage, raise children, and other normal items such as light and food. Some are diligently seeking other employment to increase their income (cleaning offices after work) some are looking for a career change (from a career that they love) to a choice that will pay more. (Note: I have not taken a salary from the business for months to ensure the bills are paid and the doors remain open, however the rainy day pot has now run dry.

This year our health insurance increased 13 percent, rent, electricity and overhead continue to spiral with Government taxes up two percent. Most of us have no cents left to give Government per! We certainly couldn't put up our prices by 13 percent and most companies can no longer absorb these continued increases. You only have to drive around Hamilton or St. George's to see many small businesses closed, the fabric of our society slowly but surely withering. Many business owners, if truthful, would also say they are not sleeping well, with bills piling in their in-trays, are putting on a happy face to staff or customers knowing banks or creditors are knocking on their doors and sadly most would not have the courage to admit how really bad it is out here.

So, to our new Premier – many of us are just trying to survive and make an honest living. Please strongly consider completely removing payroll tax on any person earning less than $50,000 per year. No consultants, not next year, but now, before the holiday season and before the next quarter of taxation in January. Otherwise there may well be another ten Bermudians joining the ever growing ranks of unemployed. It has always been my philosophy that the cup is half full, however it now has significant cracks that are widening daily. Like a boat we are leaking badly and although we are bailing as fast as we can it's almost time to abandon ship. The White Flag is up ... help!



Let someone else govern

October 20, 2010

Dear Sir,

The 1998 PLP's Date with Destiny is now over. They have not stopped the black on black gun killings. They have not stopped the increase in immigration. They have not stopped the exempted company migration. They have not improved race relations. Mr. Editor, the streets are not safe any more; it's time to let someone else govern this country.


City of Hamilton