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Letters to the Editor

Child care too costlyJanuary 25, 2010Dear Sir,

Child care too costly

January 25, 2010

Dear Sir,

Our Government has clearly stated that we are millions (if not billions) in the "red" (debt). What is the new budget going to bring? I am appalled that no one in this Country has protested about the blatant misuse of taxpayers' money where free child care is concerned. My pet peeve is that Election ploy that the PLP put in their platform in 2007, stating they intend to provide free Nursery fees up to the amount of $200 per child to the age of four years old. Nothing is free, people! Who pays? All working people, including guest workers. I plead to Minister Neletha Butterfield to revoke that Act. It is bleeding our economy.

If a woman chooses to have a child, then they are responsible for raising that child. It is stupid and irresponsible to continue to have children out of wedlock or married if you and your partners can't afford it! We have created a welfare society in our Country. We can ill afford to continue this plan of action. The Government is no better than the mothers and parents of these children, who scream loud enough to get everything that they want.

I would like to know, Ms Butterfield, has any thought or if consideration was given to garnishing a portion of the salaries of these women? This money can be put into a fund for the child's education. And, what about the fathers? As usual they still have to hand over maintenance fees, although the nursery fee is already being paid for by this Government.

I have frequently asked young women who are the recipients of this $200 if they get the father's portions. They have proudly responded "Yes". Some of these mothers drive cars, have fancy cell phones and the most up-to-date brand name clothing. They can afford this because, as a 63-year-old worker, I am paying a portion of their child care. I took the bus with my children, there was no car! Just to open the eyes of the working public here is some facts:

¦ In 2005 Government statistics show that there were 3888 children and a fluctuating or project average increase /decrease of 58 children between 2001 and 2005.

¦ My calculation therefore is based on an average of 4,000 children in Bermuda, ages 0-4 years. For the years 2010-2014, the Government may spend the following taxpayers' money on just 4000 children under the age of four years.

Please calculate, one child @ $200 x 52 weeks = $10,400 per child a year x four years = $41,600 for one child multiply that times 4,000 children = $166,400,000, or even 2,000 children $83,200,000 (Yes! That's millions of dollars)

This is criminal! This Government is robbing the ordinary working public of approximately 35,000 persons, in order to please a few young people. This money should be going to the seniors' living and medical expense. They have already contributed to society for 45 plus years and they deserve better! Let those young people, mothers and fathers care for their own children they decided to have. Note: Cost is based on total child 0-4 years and does not take into account group income of $75,000 family unit and therefore does not represent accurate data, which is unknown at the time of this submission. But even if you cut it by 50 percent it is still criminal!



Editor's note: As of November, 2009, a far lower number of children had benefited from this scheme than the writer estimates. A total of 750 children had received assistance at some point since the programme's inception and as of November 13, 2009, 438 children were receiving assistance. If those 438 children received the allowance for a full year, the cost to the taxpayer would be about $4.6 million.