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Letters to the Editor

July 4 boycottJune 20, 2009Dear Sir,

July 4 boycott

June 20, 2009

Dear Sir,

Has anyone considered boycotting the 4th of July festival that the US puts on in Bermuda each year?

I, particularly, don't feel like celebrating with fireworks and I certainly don't want to see Ewart there celebrating!



Where is the fortitude?

June 17, 2009

Dear Sir,

I know I'll be corrected if I'm wrong, but did not the Deputy Premier go to Washington with the Premier and Mr. Slayton?

One can sense that the Deputy Premier is becoming increasingly uncomfortable in her situation. When everyone else denied that there was an Oath of Allegiance, she confirmed that there was such a document which she had been asked to sign and which she did but with a caveat.

Recently, she has said she felt that she had been "politically neutered". Well, the Bible tells us to come out from among them and be ye separate. Where is the "testicular fortitude" of which she always speaks?


City of Hamilton

Island is waking up

June 18, 2009

Dear Sir,

How wonderful to see so many letters to the Editor yesterday and today. We Bermudians are finally waking up to what is going wrong with the governance of our Island. Yesterday there were 14 letters with 13 saying Dr. Brown must go. The one praising him was an English lawyer who was obviously "sucking up" to the authorities, in order to stay in Bermuda, as he says, for many years to come. He had nothing good to say about the country he left.

Today there were 20 letters with 19 telling Dr. Brown that his time as our Premier was up. The one praising him was from a local Bermudian lawyer who saw fit not to mention the fact that the Premier violated Bermuda's Constitution; the basic law of our country.

He also had praise for the American Consul General who continues to meddle in Bermuda's affairs. It is difficult to convince Bermudians that Mr. Slayton did not initiate this whole affair with his 'buddy' Dr. Brown.

Did the Consul General purposely not tell the President about Bermuda's Constitution? President Obama is a very learned lawyer and would have thought differently if properly informed. A Bermuda lawyer should send the President a copy of our Constitution.



(Editor's note: The US Consul General said at the weekend that he had no knowledge of the former Guantanamo detainees being transported to Bermuda until they had actually arrived on the Island).

Government has no respect

June 22, 2009

Dear Sir,

I stayed up till 5 a.m. listening to the debate against Dr. Brown, and let me say this … I now have lost all faith the PLP Government has any respect for we the people! What cowards. I also am angry at the abstainers on the UBP too. They have shown they are all talk. They went on and on about how stunned and upset they were at Dr. Brown, yet did not oust him. I do not wish to hear any petty excuses about they wanted to protect themselves from a general election. No confidence votes have happened before and the Government stayed in power at that time. I guess they feared it most because they knew they wouldn't be able to pick a proper leader right away because that party is full of childish bickering over who wants to be leader, but I won't go there today.

Where I will go is that if they truly wanted to amend this, they would have punished the man who broke the Constitution and laws publicly, by using the no confidence vote to uphold our laws against him. I can only hope that they get rid of him through the PLP inner workings because if they do not, they have slapped all we angry Bermudians in the face!

We are not fighting to oust the Uighurs, we are fighting to oust Dr. Brown and his autocratic style of rule! It's just another smokescreen by Brown.

Furthermore, I am sick and tired of Dr. Brown and Thaao Dill's mudslinging campaign against whites and UBP supporters. Brown said UBP supports never rally for peace, education, non-violence – lies. He said UBP members did not care for Dame Lois B. Evans or attend her funeral – total lies. Everything is about demonising whites and UBP people.

Thank you to the UBP members that voted yes and Minister Butler for leaving Cabinet in a show that a petty apology is not enough. I also do commend highly the PLP members that spoke out on Dr. Brown, but you should have ousted him.

Hopefully, you call a special delegates conference and oust him yourselves … soon.



Watch out, Bermuda!

June 11, 2009

Dear Sir,

Well isn't our Premier something... "Let's bring more Prisoners to Bermuda". You need no permission from Bermuda's Government, Ewart Brown is in control of everything and put them on the next flight here. We have enough prisoners here that we are trying to sort out their social problems, and it is costing the middle class Bermudians lots of money, and as a working Bermudian who has worked since I've been out of school, will not be able to enjoy retirement years, because my pension has been to support my fellow Bermudians. And now I will have to support Guantánamo Bay Prisoners or will these prisoners be found a job and a home, and given status, while the Bermudian is out there struggling to find a reasonable place to rent and buy groceries to feed their children and yes, find a job.

Now Ms. Cox you have always had my respect, well, up until the news hit the street about the Guantánamo Bay prisoners to Bermuda one begs to wonder if that is how we managed to get on the so called "White List" one day and then in the next few days we have prisoners here from Guantánamo Bay, and without permission of the Government. You are being set-up my Sister by your colleague Mr. Brown. He seems to be setting you all up.

The Guantánamo Bay Prisoners will probably be used as the Premier's Body Guards, something else we will pay for.

What about those Portuguese Bermudians who were born here and were made to leave? They had never visited Portugal, could not speak the language. Bermuda was their home. Was that humanitarian? Give me a break.

You all need to check your backs when dealing with Ewart Brown and all the others that have fallen under his spell. I can't call it charm, and at the moment the word "spell" is politically correct if I was able to use street talk it would be B.S.

I say to you Bermudians, you need to stop looking out of your windows while they are dirty.


St. George's

What will PLP do?

June 12, 2009

Dear Sir,

The question is not what is it that Mr. Brown has done or has been doing, but what is the PLP community going to do about it? How many other deals have been made that have not come to light as yet? Is it not clear that Mr. Brown feels that he is totally in control of Bermuda and that everyone must answer to him? Bermuda, there is no time like now to call for the Governor to reel in Mr. Brown and strip him of his position, especially if the PLP is not going to do anything. How many Caucus members are willing to tell Mr. Brown it is time to leave. Should he stand on his toes and point his finger with that permanent look he wears and refuses, stand on your principles and tell him, "this is it", "you have to", you must "GO", and move him out of office. Then he can take himself to St. Lucia, Cuba, anywhere but here, and he now has another destination "Guantánamo Bay".

Should these ex-inmates, would this be the correct term to use, be allowed status (asylum), NO, send them to Beijing, who freely admits they will take them. How, Mr. Brown, can you so easily extend asylum to persons who (were once) connected to horrific crimes, such as "9/11" and others, when we have spouses of Bermudians who have to apply for status which would enable them to continue to reside with their families, be gainfully employed and/or seek employment in order to support and care for them. I feel and I am sure others do as well, that the spouses should receive their status effective immediately and without charge of fees. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

I listened to Hott107.5 this morning, which is an unusual occurrence. A gentleman and a lady called to share their opinions on the "Guantánamo Bay Detainees". Both opinions were excellent, Thaao's comments left me angry and chilled to the bone — numb. I was left with these thoughts, "your circumstances don't bother me because I have security. I have a job that I truly love and I have a home. I have nothing to worry about" and "it's not me or my family so why should I worry". Well, Thaao make note, all that glitters isn't gold, promises are only broken by man, watch who you choose to be your idol and remember this, God is alive and is moving all through this earth, even though you don't think He exists. Watch out!

Mr. Brown, you have ruffled the feathers of the natives and there are some of us who are hoping that the fat lady has chosen your song, the orchestra is preparing to play your last dance and that your baseball and basketball teams finish last.


St. David's

End all this

June 22, 2009

Dear Sir,

I attended the protest today organised by Ms. Battersbee and wanted to thank her for courage. She stated clearly that this is not about ousting the PLP from power that this is not about race or the Uighurs themselves and I am in 100 percent agreement.

My support is for those who believe Dr. Brown is corrupt. Beyond this, he is creating a society in which people fear speaking out against him. I was raised in a Bermudian political family. We were taught to participate passionately about causes in which we believe. We were encouraged to debate issues.

As a teenager, when my father found my political beliefs to be veering towards the left; he informed me that if that was my choice that I should be introduced to the best: The Honourable Freddie Wade. It was my privilege to have met him. Over the years it has been an honour to know politicians from both parties who fought hard for civil rights and for the betterment of Bermuda. They were truly heroes of our time.

It is time for the corruption and intimidation to end. Bermudians must stand as one and demand that Dr. Brown tenders his resignation before he does any more damage to our lovely homeland. We must prepare for the future and teach our children that deceit and one-man rule is unacceptable. We cannot idly wait for 'this to pass'. It is not right to believe Dr. Brown is entitled to behave as he pleases because the PLP is in power. He does not act for the PLP, he acts for himself and himself alone and in doing so leaves the rest of Bermuda exposed to peril both in terms of domestic unrest and international opinion.

I write as a patriotic Bermudian, one who ticks the box that is not white on the race form; I write as a voter, a member of the business community; I write as a child of someone who devoted their life for a better Bermuda and, most importantly, I write as a mother of Bermudian children.

I implore all Bermudians to exercise their civil rights (while we still have some) and voice your concerns. Lend Ms Battersbee your support and do not stop until we have a leader for which we can all be proud. I hope for my children and for yours to see a leader worthy of our history books. A leader that stands for unification and honour; otherwise we shall all find ourselves, like the Uighurs, in search of a home where freedom reigns.



We want ethical leadership

June 17, 2009

Dear Sir,

There are Bermudians (black and white) who want to frame every issue (such as the current leadership issue) in terms of colour and/or political persuasion. For black Bermudians, defining issues through a lens of colour is understandable. There is a legitimate and deep rooted burden that is carried by black Bermudians due to the abominable practice of slavery and discrimination that has been conducted historically and propagated through our current society Bermuda. White Bermudians, such as myself, can never fully appreciate the impact of the discriminatory practices that have resonated through generations of black Bermudians.

However, this letter is not about race: it is about leadership. I mention race only as it will inevitably be brought up to cloud and distract from the current leadership issue in Bermuda.

In order for the needs of our country to be met, Bermuda requires the highest level of leadership (by both blacks and whites). This was the reason for the march at the Cabinet Office that I participated in on June 16.

The type of political leadership that all Bermudians require must be built on three foundations: moral authority, consensus building and the recognition by our leader that he/she is a servant of the people of Bermuda. If any of these core values are absent, the leader may initially enjoy a superficial level of political power, but ultimately he/she will not be supported by his/her peers nor will he/she be supported by the majority the community.

We have seen certain black and white political leaders over the years lose power because they have not carried one or all of these particular attributes that we as citizens demand of our leaders. These attributes are not just required by our Premier, but also by all of our elected officials.

I believe that I speak for the majority of our citizens that we want strong and ethical leadership in both parties. Furthermore, we all want an environment whereby blacks and whites have access to two strong parties and that we can vote for issues (not along party lines) that deal with the pressing matters that are challenging us today.

I am hopeful and confident that all Bermudians will unite and ensure that we elect leaders that hold themselves to the same standards that we hold ourselves as parents, family members, colleagues, business leaders and members of the community.

I will end this letter with a quote from 600 B.C. by a Chinese sage:

The greatest leader forgets himself

And attends to the development of others.

Good leaders support excellent workers

Great leaders support the bottom ten percent

Great leaders know that

The diamond in the rough

is always found "in the rough."



Shouldn't he be charged?

June 20, 2009

Dear Sir,

I agree with Marc Bean – there is no democracy when you're a Colony. If this is a democracy, shouldn't Dr. Brown be charged with breaking the law?



Selective humanitarian

June 21, 2009

Dear Sir,

Why is Rev. Sharpton coming to Bermuda when he has enough to do back in the States? I thought that "charity begins at home" ... which is a part of what got us in this debacle in the first place! Is the Reverend also planning on visiting all of the other countries who have/are taking in Gitmo ex-detainees?

As for the Premier being a humanitarian, does that title belong to someone who is splitting his own country on race? Like his hearing (because he sure didn't hear the people telling him that the issue was about him, not his party!), I guess he must be a "selective" humanitarian who only sees in black and white.



What Thaao is teaching

June 20, 2009

Dear Sir,

It is astounding to me how Thaao Dill can overlook and make excuses for Dr. Ewart Brown's shameful behaviour, starting way back to the Premier's involvement in the ousting of Jennifer Smith – "we had to deceive you". I wonder if Thaao and the other PLP members who continue to validate Dr. Brown realise the future impact of this. Thaao's young audience is being taught that it is acceptable to lie, cheat and push people out of the way to accomplish one's goal, all in the name of the PLP.

God bless Lois Browne-Evans and Freddie Wade. I'm sorry that their legacies are being so disrespected.

God doesn't sleep and he is not mocked.


St. George's

Thrown out of Eden

June 20, 2009

Dear Sir,

I watch the actions of people on this Island and how they speak and am amazed how they can say they are all devout followers of God. However, since they all wish to quote the Bible and how one should forgive Premier Brown for what he has done, let me say, they should read the very beginning where God forgave Adam and Eve for their sins ... but still threw them out of the Garden of Eden.

Just remember that Mr. Wayne Furbert and the rest of you before you vote!



Thinking before acting

June 20, 2009

Dear Sir,

I understand Ireland has a new business motto: "We think before we act." The rumour is Switzerland is working on a similar one.


St. George's

Unanswered question

June 19, 2009

Dear Sir,

So far in the press one question has yet to be answered?

For what purpose did the four Uighur gentlemen leave their China to go to Afghanistan, which has been in turmoil for decades and end up in Pakistan?

I do not think it was for a vacation.



It is about race

June 20, 2009

Dear Sir,

This week's protest leaders keep repeating it is not about race. That is a big joke. Have these protesters not had other things to protest against in their lives? Especially the white ones, some of whom where foreign workers. I used to march around the House of Parliament so many time during the 1980s and 1990s when the UBP were in power, for very just causes. Like when they wanted to turn Berkeley into a middle school or when the hotels where collecting gratuities and keeping it for themselves. When my son was very young he marched so many times, if we were passing it he would say: "Daddy, we're not walking around that building today are we?"

Like I said in one of my earlier letters, where were these white folks throughout the last 60 plus years? The last time white Bermudians marched prior to November 9, 1998 was when white women got the right to vote in the 1940s.

Back in the days of slavery the masters had slaves as cooks, maids, drivers and slave catchers. That didn't make them less of a slave master. The UBP party gets over 90 percent of the white Bermudian vote. And they only vote for a black who runs for their party. The PLP is not a black party. It is just like the so-called black clubs. The whites choose not to join, but some black Bermudians feel that they have to join just as many predominantly white organisations as possible, and then complain about their treatment inside these organisations. A racist organisation or person born decades ago is still a racist today. That is not my opinion, that is a fact.

There is no cure for a superiority complex. Why do you think the average white Bermudian does not want Independence? They truly want an independent Bermuda. They just don't want it being run by a black man or woman. They want to continue to be able to run up Langton Hill to the Queen's representative, who has always been a white male. We are celebrating 400 years of settlement in Bermuda. You mean to tell me the Queen can't find one qualified black British civil servant to send to Bermuda as a governor?

They also claim that this exercise makes them proud to be a Bermudian again. What exactly is a Bermudian if you don't control your own destiny?

Have you been reading the news coming out of the British Parliament and seen how many Ministers that have had to resign in disgrace for corruption? These are the same people that Stuart Hayward and company want to come to Bermuda and investigate our parliament. That's tantamount to having the fox look after the chicken coop.



Dr. Brown is stuck in the past

June 22, 2009

Dear Sir,

How pathetic that our so 'Honourable' Premier Brown felt the need for a phalanx of policemen to surround him on his departure from the House of Assembly last Friday. Clearly he wasn't "feeling the love"!

I can only think that his 30-odd years in the US have so influenced him that he sees nothing but violence and intimidation all around. Who brought intimidation and bullying to Bermuda's politics? Dr. Ewart Brown! Who zipped us back to the days before the Theatre Boycott? Dr. Ewart Brown! Who delights in creating racial divisions at every turn? Dr. Ewart Brown! The world truly has moved on, Dr. Brown, but how stuck in the bad old past your behaviour is! You seem to have lost any semblance of being a Bermudian at heart.

Please go back to your beloved USA and leave us to lick our wounds and try to recover from the terrible havoc that you have wreaked upon us.


Hamilton Parish

Have patience in God

June 22, 2009

Dear Sir,

Some folks may be familiar with the simile "as deceitful as the devil" and may think of the words, "we had to deceive you", while others may feel that these words are quite fitting, as Bermuda is called the Isle of Devils.

With this in mind, rather than condemn our leader for consuming himself in deceit, let us have patience and confidence in God. According to Psalm 37, we must cease from anger, and forsake wrath and we are also warned that the wicked plot against the just. However, God will deliver the righteous from the wicked and they will find peace, but the wicked shall perish. May we find strength in God's word during these troubling times.



He doesn't get it

June 23, 2009

Dear Sir,

The Premier just doesn't get it. He states: "I'm not a popular guy right now, but I'm more concerned with the correctness of the gesture." (Royal Gazette, June 23)

What will it take for him to acknowledge that ignoring the Constitution, his very own Cabinet, the British Government and the Governor, was incorrect.

The secreting in of four Uighurs under the banner of humanitarianism and friendship does not and will not cancel out his huge error – one deliberately made; one he chooses to cast aside.


Hamilton Parish

Burch's judgment

June 22, 2009

Dear Sir,

I had to chuckle Monday evening when I listened to Colonel Burch being interviewed along with the Chinese Muslims.

He made a statement along the lines of – I realised the good nature of these individuals (the Chinese Muslims) when one of them halted the taking off of the plane as he wanted a Koran. Well, if Colonel Burch believes that this is a good indicator that these individuals are not terrorists, he has completely lost his mind. Osama bin Laden probably has his Korans tied to him, as perhaps did the 9/11 hijackers.


St. George's

Don't give up

June 22, 2009

Dear Sir,

The results are in, and the motion of the no confidence vote in the Government, led by the Premier, tabled in the House of Assembly has been lost.

Although not surprised by the outcome, I am still left with a feeling of being completed gutted.

I feel as if the protests held on June 16 and 19, were in vain, that the voices of the people fell on deaf ears, even though there were a few that did hear us.

I am sure that many others that attended the protests feel the same, so on that note I would like to remind them of Dr. Martin Luther King – who did not give up, he fought a bigger battle than we did, and he fought stronger and longer, so I hope that those that united on those days, both black and white remember that and find strength in that – and still stand together to fight for what we believe in.

I am not surprised by those that felt they could not vote the "other" way, and I do understand their loyalty to their party, but I do hope that they have a clear conscience in what they have done.

In closing I leave you with this – I wait for the morning that I awake to an Independent Bermuda, led by a Dictator, as that too shall be thrust upon us under the cover of darkness!



Debate went off topic

June 20, 2009

Dear Sir,

Last night's debate was a historic one so I tuned in for a few hours (FM 105.1). While the outcome was never really in doubt, the (lack of) quality and the duration was alarming. The issue was the Premier's leadership, but MPs spent 11 hours discussing everything but the colour of the sky (although I may have dozed off for a few minutes).

I wish I had a stop watch. The critical issues of the debate: constitutional responsibilities; Bermuda's international reputation; lack of accountability; and potential damage to our economy, etc. may have been discussed for a grand total of 28 minutes.

Compare this debate to a meeting at your job. If you sat there for 11 hours discussing everything but what was on the agenda what would the outcome be? Taxpayers deserve better.


St. George's

P.s. How can a Member of Parliament claim Bermuda has no business ties with China when his pay cheque has Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) on the top of it!

No remorse shown

June 21, 2009

Dear Sir,

I've always thought Dale Butler to be one of the hardest working politicians, so whilst his decision to leave the Cabinet is unfortunate for Bermuda, I believe he made a very important stand, and it is a shame none of his other colleagues had the integrity and gumption to do the same.

Prior to the vote of no confidence, I understand that the Premier, after not having the common decency to sit through the majority of the debate, gave some superfluous speech, still not accepting any responsibility for the situation at hand and continuing to blame whites for all the ills of the day.

If I were Randy Horton, Alex Scott, Wayne Perinchief, Paula Cox, Jennifer Smith and Neletha Butterfield, after that speech, the Premier would have been voted out. The Premier has not an iota of remorse and for that reason alone, the UK Government should dissolve Premier Brown's Government.

The PLP MPs voted Party and this issue was bigger than Party. The people of Bermuda – black, white, young and old do not want Premier Brown leading the Government and this vote is going to bring about some unsettling times for this country.

As for Wayne Furbert, he is obviously trying to get back at the UBP and get in the good graces of the PLP. Forgiveness is a completely separate issue from voting on how this country will be run going forward. Wayne Furbert's Friday night speech was not worth the time of day. The UBP should be glad to be rid of him.


St. George's

A snapshot of the future

June 20, 2009

Dear Sir,

Last night I had a dream. I had a dream that I awoke to a new dawn in Bermuda politics. I had a dream that Bermuda had rid itself of the self-serving, dictatorial, racially divisive, clench-fisted 1970s-style leadership of Dr. Ewart Brown. I had a dream that MPs from both sides of the House had put their differences aside and united in defence of the Bermudian people and the Bermuda Constitution by upholding the Motion of No Confidence in Dr. Brown.

Sadly, it was just a dream. The so-called PLP dissidents stamped their feet but ultimately showed their true colours and, presumably having decided which side their bread was buttered, voted with their pockets.

Not only did Dr. Brown survive, he has seemingly emerged stronger than ever and reportedly now claims to be receiving his guidance directly from God. Truly, his ego knows no bounds and as of today it seems neither does his delegated authority. He apparently holds himself above the law. He has deliberately shown contempt for the Bermudian people, the Constitution, Parliament, and his own Cabinet. In return he has been granted carte blanche to continue on his self-serving and destructive path.

The two UBP members who abstained or were absent for the vote should resign forthwith. Indeed the entire Opposition might as well pack-up and go home, and at least take the "white privilege", "colonial", "40 Thieves", and "plantation" cards out of Dr. Brown's deck. Without being able to play these race cards maybe, just maybe, the electorate will wake up in time and change the future that Dr. Brown has painted for himself. Rest assured he will not be satisfied until he is hosting celebrity parties and dispensing patronage from Government House, surrounded no doubt by statues of his own personal heroes.

Today, Bermuda is a step closer to Independence and the recent, and not so recent, actions of Messrs. Brown and Burch should give us all a snapshot of just what that will be like. Of course, it remains to be seen whether the last remaining curb on Dr. Brown's power, the UK Government through the Governor, will step up to the plate in the form of a Commission of Inquiry. Personally, I don't hold out much hope.

There is room in the Ark, apply in twos,



P.s. Perhaps, once they realise that they have been used as political footballs, and see that they have escaped one dictatorship for another, the Uighurs will reconsider their good fortune.

Premier's plantation

June 20, 2009

Dear Sir,

I find it sadly ironic that the one main fear spread by Ms Foggo in the last election was that of returning to the "plantation" if you didn't vote PLP. That is exactly what we now have under the PLP Government owned by Dr. Brown.

With Dr. Brown "winning" the vote of confidence after threatening his party, it proved several things.

One: There is no democracy in Dr. Brown's PLP Government.

Two: Knowing that there are more than a few in his party who would definitely like to replace him yet still voted for him, that they are afraid of retaliation from this one man, even if he was no longer Premier; and

Three: We now live on a plantation with Masta Brown and his overseers, and they don't seem in the least bit concerned for the slaves.



Loss of respect

June 19, 2009

Dear Sir,

Dr. Brown says that white people are protesting against him because they somehow are upset at the (perceived) loss of "white privilege". Say what, doc? If this white man was ever privileged – and I am sure I was – I still am today.

I live in Bermuda. I own my own home. I work. I treat my fellow man with respect and dignity. I pay for what I buy. I act with integrity. I participate in the community. I go to church. I travel. I do all the things I ever did ... and I've been around for a while. In short, I am very privileged to be able to do all that and more.

What I have lost is respect for Ewart Brown. Respect for the PLP. Respect for the Government. And, to some extent, respect for the British Government who do not seem prepared to stand up and be counted here.

And I do not believe virtually anything that comes from Ewart's mouth. It's not 'white privilege'; it's not racism; it's not anything but a belief that one 'earns' respect through hard work, integrity and, in his case, good governance. . No, I can't prove it but there are very few people out there ... white, black, PLP or UBP, Eva, LaVerne or Rolfe...who actually, in their heart of hearts, believe that there was no quid pro quo; that this was a humanitarian gesture; and that this somehow benefits Bermuda.



JFK misquote

June 20, 2009

Dear Sir,

Apropos of nothing, I believe it was John F. Kennedy who didn't say:

"Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what you can do to ensure you still have a job on Monday."

Yours misquotedly,


Hamilton Parish