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Letters to the Editor, 23 June 2010

Water from the A/CJune 18, 2010Dear Sir,

Water from the A/C

June 18, 2010

Dear Sir,

I am a visitor to Bermuda (sailed solo from Fort Lauderdale) and noticed how much water goes to waste on the island.

Every air conditioner produces gallons of (distilled) water daily ... which I have yet to see collected.

If I can do it in Florida, it can be done in Bermuda!


Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Where is the protest?

June 14, 2010

Dear Sir,

Bermuda has recorded its tenth gun murder in just over a year. Where are all of the protest marches and all the petitions? Nowhere to be seen.

And the last time that the Governor made a public statement was when there was a shooting just over the wall from his house on Glebe Road, the week or so before the Queen visited the island last November. Couldn't have any trouble those three days, now could we.

He sure was full of comments the day when the four Uighurs from Guantanamo Bay were brought here last June. Those four gentlemae have been here a year now. And the only time that you hear from them is when TheRoyal Gazette reporters go and look for them. Seems to me that we in Bermuda should have been less concerned about the Uighurs coming to Bermuda and move concerned about the homegrown terrorists that some of us have sleeping in our own homes.

A couple of months ago there were about a dozen church ministers on the local news up in arms about the potential introduction of casinos to Bermuda. They claimed that they had over 100 of their brothers and sisters of the cloth ready to wage war on this proposal. Where is their war plans for the war that is being waged right on our streets? I can't hear you Mr and Mrs Minister.

And as for your opposition to the introduction of casinos and gaming. I would venture to say that you participate in what is probably the biggest gamble there ever was. That is after you take their ten percent in tithes and then tell them to have faith that Jesus is coming back for them. It has been 2000 years. I do believe that the casinos provide better odds than that. There are winners everyday.

I know I am going to be called all kinds of not so nice names for that last statement. So be it. I call it the way I see it.



Voters not known here

June 19, 2010

Dear Sir,

I see by your newspaper that MP John Barritt is introducing an amendment to the Parliamentary Election Act. Thank goodness! The way it stands at present is not working. I look at the list in the post office and I see people registered in my neighbourhood whom I have never seen, nor does anybody else remember! And I understand that they can come and vote in my (not their!) constituency!

I have seen these names in the Public Notices in the paper warning that they need to correct their registration, but their names stay on year after year. This makes a mockery of the law. Also this, and the previous Government, try to keep each constituency of equal (or almost equal) number, which is a good thing but what's the point if people can vote wherever they registered 'once upon a time!' I think it's high time for a fresh registration. Maybe Mr. Scott, the Parliamentary Registrar, should cross check the Official Register with other Government data bases, for instance, the car registration, court records, or better still the recent census! Howzat!


St. George's

A price to pay

June 16, 2010

Dear Sir,

On June 10, 2010 at approximately 1:55 p.m., a Progressive Labour Party supporter and frequent caller to "The People's Show", made a comment about Senator Mark Bean's criticism of the performance of the Progressive Labour Party. My understanding is that this individual implied that there is a price to pay for those who dare to share their honest opinion about the Progressive Labour Party's performance or lack thereof. Did I hear correctly? I am perplexed as to how an individual with such a mindset could be appointed to the Human Rights Commission.

The reason I am writing and not calling the talk show to seek clarification, is because a written record, as we recently saw with the e-mail from backbench MP Dale Butler to Mr. Larry Marshall, is a permanent record which cannot be denied.

It is no secret that I have also been critical of the performance of some Members of Parliament who represent the Progressive Labour Party, and I would hate to think that I have paid or am paying a price for doing so. I was always suspicious about certain things that have occurred and the caller's remark has somewhat confirmed those suspicions. On that note, I will seize the opportunity to remind that particular caller, and others who share the same punitive mindset, that in biblical terms, Romans 12:19 states: "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."

I do, however, thank the caller for honestly stating that there is a price one pays for speaking truthfully. It's unfortunate, however, that when certain individuals choose to speak truth or do what they believe is the right thing, they are often penalised in one way or another. My personal experience and that of my husband is a prime example. One just needs to review the many letters that I have written to the Editors and they'll get the picture.

Perhaps, the caller's comment adds credence to a jest made to me by my spouse. His lack of progress on his job may very well be attributed to my letter writing. It's unfortunate if punitive measures have replaced fairness. Despite the struggle, I commend my husband for weathering the storm and continuing to upgrade his curriculum vitae. He recently completed, and no doubt passed, the Uniform Services Development Programme, facilitated by PACE, at the Bermuda College. Congratulations Troy, you did it! With this accomplishment, I would assume that he is now worthy of climbing to the next level.

I'll close with an interesting quote from Booker T. Washington: "Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome."

