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Make Opposition viableJuly 3, 2008Dear Sir,

Make Opposition viable

July 3, 2008

Dear Sir,

I walked on Government last week Friday in protest of the treatment of unionised workers by this Government. The atmosphere was one of unity among the unions and I was proud to be a part of the wake up call to this Government that I helped elect.

Some say that the PLP has lost their way and that Premier Brown is more concerned with his rock star image than the people. I have actually had the opportunity to witness Premier Brown in action first-hand here and abroad, and I can attest to the fact that he is a great statesman. It is my opinion, that not since Sir John Swan have we had a leader that can represent us on global scale the way Premier Brown currently does.

In today's global market I believe it's important to have a face out there voicing and protecting Bermuda's interest at every level. I say all this to say that when I was taking in the atmosphere of Friday's march there was one man standing out in the crowd. He had the biggest smile on his face, as if he had hit the jackpot.

He worked the crowd, shaking hands and talking to anyone willing to listen. Who was this jubilant fellow? None other than Kim Swan, leader of the opposition party. I don't know this fellow personally but I can truly say that he has never impressed me intellectually.

If the present Government was leading Bermuda to hell in a handbag, I still don't think I could bring myself to vote for a party lead by this gentleman. Instead of basking in the current Government's mistakes and criticising their every move, maybe the UBP should be directing that energy to providing this country with a viable opposition party to vote for at the next general election.

Redirect all the critiquing and build up the opposition. And guess what, then maybe this current Government will get the wake up call and Bermuda will be a better place for all who call this home.



Dogs not the issue

July 2, 2008

Dear Sir,

I think this proposed Dogs Act 2008 is going a bit over the top considering some of the penalties are imprisonment and we have murderers walking the streets!

Dogs bark, it is nature. But if we can be fined for a dog barking I do believe some people will take it to the extreme. I don't think a dog barking is a sign of 'a dog out of control'. This is like saying if my child is out in the yard yelling while playing he is 'a child out of control' and social services should step in.

In my opinion this government has more important things to deal with than whether my dog is microchipped or barks at the neighborhood cat.

Step up to real issues!



MS report was alarmist

July 4, 2008

Dear Sir,

We refer to the article on page 4 of Tuesday's (July 1st) Royal Gazette entitled 'Death With Dignity: Is it really so awful?' wherein the author quotes an overseas publication which states that multiple sclerosis is 'a degenerative disease condition that often ends in death by choking'.

Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks the central nervous system, leading to demyelination. It may cause numerous physical and mental symptoms, and may sometimes progress to physical and cognitive disability. Although some, not all, MS sufferers do experience swallowing difficulties it is somewhat erroneous and alarmist to state that MS patients often die from choking. In fact, most MS patients can and do lead very full lives with normal life expectancy.

The MS Society of Bermuda meets at 6.30 p.m. on the first Monday of each month at St. Mark's Church Hall in Smiths. MS sufferers, their families, friends, supporters and caregivers are invited and encouraged to attend the meetings. Our next meeting will be held in September following our summer break.


The MS Society of Bermuda