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Cultural desertJune 23, 2008Dear Sir,

Cultural desert

June 23, 2008

Dear Sir,

We are astounded that John Jefferis has been allowed to convert the old Trimingham's clothing store on South Road, Paget into a "Caribbean Fine Arts Gallery" at a time when local artists are struggling for survival. In reality, a Caribbean art gallery will probably not survive and once it fails this site will most likely become another fully fledged restaurant. Has planning permission been given for this option? With a downturn in regular visitors and air carriers making serious cut backs, surely established restaurateurs will feel the pinch.

What happened to the relocation of the Paget Post Office next to this site? Is the parking area east of the store owned by a private individual or is it Government-owned land?

With the uncertainty of a future art gallery at City Hall and now competition from outsiders, surely Bermuda artists must believe that our community is developing into a cultural desert!


Kelowna, British Columbia

Premier's BMW

June 24, 2008

Dear Sir,

I'm a Bermudian travelling right now and I pick up the RG through my laptop everyday to keep up to date with local news. Now, why wasn't I surprised to read the headlines this morning that the Premier has a new car, a BMW at that.

I just don't get it ... I have friends living at Purvis Park and I was told recently that their rents had been raised by $75. Now when my friends moved to Purvis Park their rent was $350 a month, then a couple of years ago it was raised to $650 now it's up to $725.

Many seniors in that development could not afford the first increase, let alone the second one. I hope the Premier will think about a solution to help our seniors while he's driving in his brand new BMW that's costing us taxpayers a big hunk of change.


Toronto, Ontario

Leader's monster car

Dear Sir,

Having seen the choice of new GP1 car, it would seem a good time to consider the choices the Government had when considering the type of car to purchase.

1) In these times of high fuel prices an efficient use of taxpayers money would be a small efficient vehicle.

2) Being an environmentally aware Island, the "leader" could lead the country and opt for an environmentally friendly car.

3) As Bermuda is a small Island, the distances involved are small and hence a small efficient car is ideal.

4) To aid in preventing congestion all Bermudians should be encouraged to drive compact cars, again the instigator could be the "leader" of our island.

5) A high-powered car is not required due to the speed limit we must all abide to.

However, despite all the above being good reasons to show restraint, prudency and environmental concern along with respect for the electorate and fellow Bermudians, it would seem the only criteria that has been considered is:

1) There is an ego to service that doesn't give two hoots about any of the above.

2) At a time to show leadership, vision and true respect for the Island, the choice of a monster of a car has failed in all three.



Bradford, England

Bad deeds judged

June 20, 2008

Dear Sir,

It is a mistake to believe that every black PLP supporter is in lockstep with the Premier and his ever growing band of needy lieutenants. It is pure folly to believe that numerous black supporters of the PLP don't see the need for internal reorganisation and proper management of the country's hard earned money. It is unwise to believe that black people don't have equal disdain for racism and it's insidious cousin, elitism. It is a bigger mistake to believe that history doesn't repeat itself.

It is because I believe that all good people eventually do good things, that I remain calm and centred. It is because I know that what is done in the dark eventually sees the light of day that I remain serene. It is because I know that there is a higher being that I am convinced that all bad governments eventually have to answer for their many sins. It is because of all these things that I sleep at night knowing that one day it will all change. It always does and the perpetrators of bad deeds will be fairly judged both here on earth and elsewhere.

It is because!



Where's free transport?

June 5, 2008

Dear Sir,

I was shocked to find that I still have to pay on Bermuda's public transport.

Wasn't there an election promise six months ago that bus travel would be free?

Just how hard is it NOT to charge for something?

Yours looking for a fare deal,


Hamilton Parish

Tear for Tiger

June 19, 2008

Dear Sir,

I think we should all shed a tear for our golfing Premier, who is once again bereft of the chance of displaying the remarkable Tiger Woods as his special protege. There is, however, a flip side of this sad coin – he has linked us with hotel men in Dubai, which I learn from a book about slavery is a "male Disneyland". And this is just after Father's Day!

Apparently ladies flock there, some of them by their own choice.


Smith's Parish

Heroes' Day in November

June 22, 2008

Dear Sir,

I am surprised that the Government did not seize on the Heroes' Day we have instead of creating a new holiday. November 11 would, it seems to me, be a suitable day to remember all our heroes, not just those who served in the various 20th Century wars. Those of us who can remember even the Second World War are running out our time and I do not think it would be an indignity to use November 11 for heroes other than fighting men.

The Monarch's birthday, on the other hand, will continue through the ages, God Willing.



Those green bags

June 19, 2008

Dear Sir,

I would like to know just how green are these recyclable bags that the grocery stores are pushing. The Earthwise bags are not made from recycled plastic, so are we not just adding to the problem with just more new plastic.

There are companies out there like Wellman Inc. that are actually making shopping bags from recycled plastic. They might cost a little more now but it will certainly save a lot later.



Divorcing Reverend

June 19, 2008

Dear Sir,

I read an article in the Bermuda Sun regarding the firing of Rev. Carl Williams from St. Anne's Anglican Church.

It certainly grieves me to hear that the church has taken on the ways of this world. God has anointed some of us to preach the gospel and others to support the Ministry. Unless Rev. Williams has committed an immoral act, the church body has no business in his firing due to "an irretrievable pastoral breakdown".

The last I recall divorce was the last option ... or does that only pertain to those outside of the four walls of the church? Truth be told, St. Anne's is divorcing Rev. Williams – they are breaking a covenant with God.

We as Christians should take our relationships with our spiritual leaders more seriously. God uses them to feed us the fruit of his loin, to intercede for us and counsel us during times when we begin to feel heavy laden. This story lacks content, which I'm sure would expose what's really going on here.

In my opinion, the problem across the board for many of our churches on the Island is that they are run by long-standing families and parishioners who have gained control due to their contributions, as opposed to the man of God who is ordained to be in position.

The Word of God states that everything should be done in decency and in order...that includes the way the church and it's members are governed...it has nothing to do with the order of service, as many would like to believe – it's bigger than that.

No matter how many times Moses stepped out of line with God, he was still placed over the children of Israel.

They could not remove him from his position except for God himself. But in today's church the members feel that they are holier than thou and take it upon themselves to do as they please in God's house. Shame on them. The Word of God says to touch not my anointed and do my Prophet no harm.

With that said, I pray that he has mercy on the parishioners and vestry at St. Anne that decided to play God in this matter.


Lake County, Florida

Obama's mother counts

June 18, 2008

Dear Sir,

Why is it that Barack Obama is consistently referred to as black? Does his mother count for nothing? Is it the case that if you are even one percent black, then you are black? In my own case, I am one quarter Canadian First Nations, half England English, and one quarter Quebecois.

Should it ever occur that I run for office, I'm not sure what racial/ethnic designation the media would use to label me. According to the rule used on Obama, I suppose that I'm Ojibway.


City of Hamilton